teaching activities ARCH260 Comparative Theory Instructor ARCH305 Arch Design Iii Instructor ARCH305 Arch Design Iii Instructor ARCH406 Arch Design V Instructor ARCH489 Sptp:expanded Parct For Arch Instructor ARCH601 Design Fundamentals I Instructor ARCH602 Design Fundamentals Ii Instructor ARCH605 Architectrl Design I Instructor ARCH685 Directed Studies Instructor
chaired theses and dissertations Alvarado, Manuel (2020-01). Supportive Collage Infrastructure. Anderson, Macy (2020-01). Neighborhood Sufficiency: an Environmental Model of a Self-Sufficient Urban Community. Bangert, Brendon (2021-01). Memory Distillery: An Island Journey. Colbert Sims, Moriah (2020-01). REVITALIZE. Fears, Zachary H. (2022-05). Minding the Gap: Connection Through Education. Olivarez, Christopher (2021-01). Re-Signifying the Old Nueces County Courthouse. Padilla, Karla P. (2022-04). Bi-National Connection. Radwan, Sahar (2021-01). The Forgotten In-Between: Activating a Neighborhood. Willis, John K. (2022-04). Making Transit Public: Urban Mobility in San Antonio.