Graft polymerization and plasma treatment of polymer membranes for fouling reduction: a review. uri icon


  • This article presents a review of recent developments in surface modification of polymer membranes via graft polymerization and plasma treatment for reduction of fouling with organic compounds and microorganisms in pressure driven membrane processes. The factors affecting membrane fouling, such as membrane hydrophilicity, charge and surface roughness are discussed. The recent studies in which the reduction of organic fouling and biofouling by the modification of the membrane surface via ultraviolet/redox initiated surface grafting of hydrophilic polymers and low temperature plasma treatment are reviewed.

published proceedings

  • J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng

author list (cited authors)

  • Kochkodan, V. M., & Sharma, V. K.

complete list of authors

  • Kochkodan, Victor M||Sharma, Virender K