Galveston Bay: Temporal changes in the concentrations of trace organic contaminants in national status and trends oysters (1986-1994)
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The temporal distributions for six classes of trace organic contaminants (chlordanes, DDTs, dieldrin, PAHs, PCBs, and butyltins) in oysters from six Galveston Bay sites from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Status and Trends (NS and T) Mussel Watch Program are compared with other NS and T sites from the Gulf of Mexico as well as all NS and T sites of the United States (East Coast, West Coast, and Gulf of Mexico). Decreases in the median for the Gulf-wide concentration of chlordanes, dieldrin, and butyltins occurred during 1986-1994. The Gulf-wide median concentrations of DDTs, PAHs, and PCBs exhibited a strong cyclic distribution with time. For Galveston Bay oysters, 'high' concentration is defined as the concentration greater than the median plus one standard deviation for all Gulf of Mexico sites. The percentage of sites having high concentrations during 1986-1994 for Galveston Bay oysters are 49% for dieldrin, 45% for butyltins, 40% for chlordanes, 38% for PCBs, 30% for PAHs, and 21% for DDTs. For PCBs, 43% of Galveston Bay oyster samples analyzed over the first 9 yr have concentrations high enough for potential biological effects to be observed in oysters. The percentages in other agents were chlordanes (22%), butyltins (22%), dieldrin (5%), and PAHs (4%). National Academy of Science-proposed regulatory limits for oysters were exceeded in only 2% of Galveston Bay samples for DDTs and 1% for PCBs. All other contaminants were below proposed NAS limits.