Nutrition and Weight Status in Rural Areas
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Over the past ten years, there has been increasing awareness of an obesity epidemic in the U.S. Citing causes of suboptimal dietary patterns and low activity lifestyles, more programs recognizing a need to change dietary habits and reduce health consequences of sedentary lifestyles have emerged in both rural and urban areas. Changing long-term behavioral patterns and structural barriers to healthier lifestyle choices, however, remain a challenge in all communities. As such, several federal, state, and local initiatives have been implemented to help reverse the obesity epidemic. For example, First Lady Michelle Obama launched a multi-faceted campaign to encourage improved nutrition, and more active lifestyles, including healthier foods and more physical activity in schools along with structural changes to encourage a more active lifestyle and better nutrition for families. The First Ladys Lets Move! campaign began in 2010. Implications of policies and programs aimed to improve nutrition and weight status are starting to emerge in 2014.