selected publications academicarticle Connors, I. C. (2023). RACIAL DIVERSITY IN THE GEOSCIENCES: ENGAGING COMMUNITY CULTURAL WEALTH FOR SUCCESS. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering. 29(2), 1-23. Casellas Connors, I., Unangst, L., & Barone, N. (2023). Supporting displaced students in US higher education: examining institutional policy and practice. Race, Ethnicity and Education. ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1-19. Unangst, L., Borg, N., Connors, I. C., & Barone, N. (2022). Diversities at US Colleges and Universities: Online Diversity Statements at Institutions Employing Chief Diversity Officers. 3(3), 16-36. Arnold, K. D., & Casellas Connors, I. (2022). The 'anti-Instagram': Using visual methods to study the college experiences of underrepresented students. 37(4), 225-243. Casellas Connors, I., & McCoy, H. (2022). Performing Anti-racism: Universities Respond to Anti-Black Violence. Race and Justice. 12(3), 588-613. Unangst, L., Connors, I. C., & Barone, N. (2022). State-Based Policy Supports for Refugee, Asylee, and TPS-Background Students in US Higher Education. 38(1), 95-110. Casellas Connors, I. (2022). Examining racial discourse in equity reports: Floridas public Hispanic serving institutions. 30. Casellas Connors, I. (2021). Constructing a Monolith: State Policy, Institutional DEI Plans, and the Flattening of Latinx Identity at Hispanic-Serving Institutions. AERA Open. 7, 23328584211063872-233285842110638. Connors, I. C., & Feik, H. Communicating social justice in the public sphere: the case of public higher education. Public Management Review. ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1-29. Connors, I. C., & Gonlin, V. Complicating Latin Experiences: Afro-Latin Students Perceptions of Campus Climate and Sense of Belonging. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. webpage Evans, K., Casellas Connors, I., & Unangst, L. (2023). Higher education can be elusive for asylum-seekers and immigrants
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