selected publications academicarticle Ball, J., He, W., & Tassinary, L. G. (2020). The zoom function. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media. 16(3), 221-225. Akleman, E., Barroso, L., Capraro, M. M., Creasy, T., Fleming, K., He, W., Liang, H., & Williams, A. M. (2019). Recycling Plastics: Middle School Students Create Solutions During a Summer Camp. European Journal of STEM Education. 4(1), He, W. (2012). Space Translated? He, W. (2012). Uncanny: An Interview with Anthony Vidler He, W. (2008). Phenomenology in Design Process. Time and Architecture: Shidai Jianzhu. He, W. (2008). The Notion of Body in John Hejduks Poetry and Architecture. Time and Architecture: Shidai Jianzhu. He, W. (2005). When does a sentiment become an architectural concept? Otherness in Hejduk's Wall House 2. The Journal of Architecture. 10(2), 161-180. conference paper Tate, M., & He, W. (2019). Cuboids and Planetoids He, W. (2019). Drawing Pessimism He, W. (2018). Plastic Explorations Borges, A., & He, W. (2018). The Moment of Beginning He, W., Wu, C., & Akleman, E. (2017). Constructing Deltahedra from Recycled Plastic Bottles He, W. (2016). 1:1 Scale Transformation He, W. (2015). Materiality and Scale: Enclosure, Fashion Theater, and Para-sites He, W. (2010). A Fashion Design Project: Wearable and Moveable Architecture Yan, W., & He, W. (2007). Interpreting architectural space through camera movement. 525-539. He, W (2006). "Flatness" through camera: The implications of camera movement in the digital reconstruction of Diamond Museum. 270-277. He, W., & Peponis, J. (2003). Modalities of poetic syntax in the work of Hejduk He, W. Graph , Geometry , and Language A design triangle thesis He, W. (2005). Flatness transformed and otherness embodied: a study of John Hejduks Diamond Museumand Wall House 2 across the media of painting, poetry. architectural drawing and architectural space
teaching activities ARCH105 Design Foundations I Instructor ARCH108 Design And Visual Comm Foun Ii Instructor ARCH115 Design Comm Foundation I Instructor ARCH205 Arch Design I Instructor ARCH206 Arch Design Ii Instructor ARCH491 Adv Arch Innovation Res Instructor ARCH601 Design Fundamentals I Instructor ARCH610 Visual Communications Instructor ARCH685 Directed Studies Instructor ARCH693 Professional Study Instructor ENDS105 Design Foundations I Instructor ENDS108 Design And Visual Comm Foun Ii Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Design Theory, Georgia Institute of Technology - (Atlanta, Georgia, United States) 2005