selected publications academicarticle Foucart, S., Tadmor, E., & Zhong, M. (2023). On the Sparsity of LASSO Minimizers in Sparse Data Recovery. 57(2), 901-919. Foucart, S., & Liao, C. (2023). Optimal Recovery from Inaccurate Data in Hilbert Spaces: Regularize, But What of the Parameter?. 57(2), 489-520. Foucart, S. (2023). The sparsity of LASSO-type minimizers. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 62, 441-452. Foucart, S., Liao, C., Shahrampour, S., & Wang, Y. (2022). Learning from non-random data in Hilbert spaces: an optimal recovery perspective. 20(1), 5. Deregowska, B., Fickus, M., Foucart, S., & Lewandowska, B. (2022). On the value of the fifth maximal projection constant. Journal of Functional Analysis. 283(10), 109634-109634. Foucart, S. (2021). Facilitating OWL norm minimizations. Optimization Letters. 15(1), 263-269. Foucart, S. (2021). Instances of computational optimal recovery: Refined approximability models. Journal of Complexity. 62, 101503-101503. Ettehad, M., & Foucart, S. (2021). Instances of Computational Optimal Recovery: Dealing with Observation Errors*. 9(4), 1438-1456. Foucart, S., & Li, J. (2018). Sparse Recovery from Inaccurate Saturated Measurements. 158(1), 49-66. Deregowska, B., Foucart, S., Lewandowska, B., & Skrzypek, L. (2018). On the norms and minimal properties of de la Vallee Poussin's type operators. 185(4), 601-619. Foucart, S., & Lasserre, J. B. (2018). Determining projection constants of univariate polynomial spaces. Journal of Approximation Theory. 235, 74-91. Foucart, S., & Lecue, G. (2017). An IHT Algorithm for Sparse Recovery From Subexponential Measurements. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 24(9), 1280-1283. Baraniuk, R. G., Foucart, S., Needell, D., Plan, Y., & Wootters, M. (2017). Exponential Decay of Reconstruction Error From Binary Measurements of Sparse Signals. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY. 63(6), 3368-3385. Foucart, S., & Powers, V. (2017). Basc: constrained approximation by semidefinite programming. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. 37(2), 1066-1085. Foucart, S., & Skrzypek, L. (2017). On maximal relative projection constants. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 447(1), 309-328. Foucart, S., & Needham, T. (2017). Sparse recovery from saturated measurements (R). Information and Inference. 6(2), 196-212. Foucart, S. (2016). Computation of Minimal Projections and Extensions. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization. 37(2), 159-185. Foucart, S. (2016). Dictionary-Sparse Recovery via Thresholding-Based Algorithms. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications. 22(1), 6-19. Bouchot, J., Foucart, S., & Hitczenko, P. (2016). Hard thresholding pursuit algorithms: Number of iterations. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 41(2), 412-435. Foucart, S., Minner, M. F., & Needham, T. (2015). Sparse disjointed recovery from noninflating measurements. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 39(3), 558-567. Foucart, S., & Koslicki, D. (2014). Sparse Recovery by Means of Nonnegative Least Squares. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 21(4), 498-502. Foucart, S. (2014). Stability and robustness of l(1)-minimizations with Weibull matrices and redundant dictionaries. Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 441, 4-21. Koslicki, D., Foucart, S., & Rosen, G. (2014). WGSQuikr: fast whole-genome shotgun metagenomic classification. PLoS ONE. 9(3), e91784-e91784. Koslicki, D., Foucart, S., & Rosen, G. (2013). Quikr: a method for rapid reconstruction of bacterial communities via compressive sensing. Bioinformatics. 29(17), 2096-2102. FOUCART, S., & SOROKINA, T. (2013). GENERATING DIMENSION FORMULAS FOR MULTIVARIATE SPLINES. Albanian Journal of Mathematics. 7(1), 25-35. Foucart, S. (2011). HARD THRESHOLDING PURSUIT: AN ALGORITHM FOR COMPRESSIVE SENSING. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 49(6), 2543-2563. Foucart, S., & Lai, M. (2010). Sparse recovery with pre-Gaussian random matrices. Studia Mathematica. 200(1), 91-102. Foucart, S. (2010). A note on guaranteed sparse recovery via l(1)-minimization. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 29(1), 97-103. Foucart, S., & Gribonval, R. (2010). Real versus complex null space properties for sparse vector recovery. COMPTES RENDUS MATHEMATIQUE. 348(15-16), 863-865. Foucart, S., Pajor, A., Rauhut, H., & Ullrich, T. (2010). The Gelfand widths of l(p)-balls for 0 < p <= 1. Journal of Complexity. 26(6), 629-640. Foucart, S. (2009). Allometry constants of finite-dimensional spaces: theory and computations. Numerische Mathematik. 112(4), 535-564. Foucart, S., Kryakin, Y., & Shadrin, A. (2009). On the Exact Constant in the Jackson-Stechkin Inequality for the Uniform Metric. Constructive Approximation. 29(2), 157-179. Foucart, S., & Lai, M. (2009). Sparsest solutions of underdetermined linear systems via l(q)-minimization for 0 < q <= 1. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 26(3), 395-407. Foucart, S. (2008). Open questions around the spline orthoprojector. East Journal on Approximations. 14(2), 241-253. Foucart, S. (2006). On the value of the max-norm of the orthogonal projector onto splines with multiple knots. Journal of Approximation Theory. 140(2), 154-177. Foucart, S. (2005). Interlacing property for B-splines. Journal of Approximation Theory. 135(1), 1-21. Foucart, S. (2004). On the best conditioned bases of quadratic polynomials. Journal of Approximation Theory. 130(1), 46-56. Roussel, A. J., & Constable, P. D. (1999). Fluid and electrolyte therapy - Preface. Veterinary Clinics of North America - Food Animal Practice. 15(3), XI-XI. book Foucart, S. (2022). Mathematical Pictures at a Data Science Exhibition. Cambridge University Press (CUP). Foucart, S., & Rauhut, H. (2013). A Mathematical Introduction to Compressive Sensing. Springer Nature. conference paper Foucart, S. (2017). Complexity of multivariate problems based on binary information. 227-230. Foucart, S., Needell, D., Plan, Y., & Wootters, M. (2017). De-biasing low-rank projection for matrix completion. Proceedings of SPIE. 1039417. Foucart, S. (2017). Flavors of Compressive Sensing. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. 61-104. Foucart, S. (2012). Sparse Recovery Algorithms: Sufficient Conditions in Terms of Restricted Isometry Constants. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics. 65-77. Foucart, S. (2012). Stability and Robustness of Weak Orthogonal Matching Pursuits. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. 395-405. institutional repository document Foucart, S. (2022). Full Recovery from Point Values: an Optimal Algorithm for Chebyshev Approximability Prior Foucart, S. (2022). The Sparsity of LASSO-type Minimizers Dergowska, B., Fickus, M., Foucart, S., & Lewandowska, B. (2022). On the value of the fifth maximal projection constant Foucart, S., & Liao, C. (2021). Optimal Recovery from Inaccurate Data in Hilbert Spaces: Regularize, but what of the Parameter? Foucart, S., Tadmor, E., & Zhong, M. (2020). On the sparsity of LASSO minimizers in sparse data recovery Ettehad, M., & Foucart, S. (2020). Instances of Computational Optimal Recovery: Dealing with Observation Errors Foucart, S., & Koslicki, D. (2020). Finer Metagenomic Reconstruction via Biodiversity Optimization Foucart, S., & Koslicki, D. (2020). Finer Metagenomic Reconstruction via Biodiversity Optimization Foucart, S., & Koslicki, D. (2020). Finer Metagenomic Reconstruction via Biodiversity Optimization Ettehad, M., & Foucart, S. (2020). Instances of Computational Optimal Recovery: Dealing with Observation Errors Foucart, S. (2020). Instances of Computational Optimal Recovery: Refined Approximability Models Foucart, S., Liao, C., Shahrampour, S., & Wang, Y. (2020). Learning from Non-Random Data in Hilbert Spaces: An Optimal Recovery Perspective Foucart, S., & Lasserre, J. (2019). Computation of Chebyshev Polynomials for Union of Intervals Foucart, S., Gribonval, R., Jacques, L., & Rauhut, H. (2019). Jointly Low-Rank and Bisparse Recovery: Questions and Partial Answers Daubechies, I., DeVore, R., Foucart, S., Hanin, B., & Petrova, G. (2019). Nonlinear Approximation and (Deep) ReLU Networks Foucart, S., & Jacques, L. (2019). One-Bit Sensing of Low-Rank and Bisparse Matrices Foucart, S., Needell, D., Pathak, R., Plan, Y., & Wootters, M. (2019). Weighted matrix completion from non-random, non-uniform sampling patterns Ettehad, M., & Foucart, S. (2018). Approximability Models and Optimal System Identification Foucart, S., & Lasserre, J. (2018). Determining Projection Constants of Univariate Polynomial Spaces Foucart, S., & Subramanian, S. (2018). Iterative Hard Thresholding for Low-Rank Recovery from Rank-One Projections Baraniuk, R., Foucart, S., Needell, D., Plan, Y., & Wootters, M. (2016). One-Bit Compressive Sensing of Dictionary-Sparse Signals Baraniuk, R., Foucart, S., Needell, D., Plan, Y., & Wootters, M. (2014). Exponential decay of reconstruction error from binary measurements of sparse signals Foucart, S., Pajor, A., Rauhut, H., & Ullrich, T. (2010). The Gelfand widths of $ell_p$-balls for $0 Foucart, S., Kryakin, Y. u., & Shadrin, A. (2006). On the exact constant in Jackson-Stechkin inequality for the uniform metric
principal investigator on CDS&E-MSS: Recovery of High-Dimensional Structured Functions awarded by National Science Foundation - (Arlington, Virginia, United States) 2016 - 2020
teaching activities MATH323 Hnr-linear Algebra Instructor MATH491 Hnr-research Instructor MATH601 Meth Appl Math I Instructor MATH664 Seminar Applied Math Instructor MATH667 Found And Mtds Approx Instructor MATH677 Math Foundations Data Science Instructor MATH680 Topics Mathematical Data Sci Instructor MATH685 Directed Studies Instructor MATH691 Research Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Cambridge - (Cambridge, United Kingdom) 2005 M.E., Ecole Centrale de Lyon - (Écully, Rhone-Alpes, France) 2001 B.S. in Mathematics, Sorbonne University - (Paris, France) 1999
awards and honors Antelo Devereux Award, conferred by Drexel University - (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States), 2012