Mobile Instructional Laboratory to Serve Multiple Sites in the 2+2 Engineering Technology Program
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Verma This proposal addresses a new cost effective approach to laboratory instruction to supplement the new and growing field of distance learning. The Engineering Technology Department at Old Dominion University offers televised upper-division programs at three locations throughout the state of Virginia with other sites planned for the future. In addition to these three main sites, there are two satellite sites which receive only televised courses. The upper division curriculum in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Technology programs are offered through a combination of televised and live courses taught on the campus of the community colleges participating in the program. Inadequate laboratory facilities to teach upper-division courses in Mechanical Engineering Technology Program, at the remote sites, has been the biggest draw back of the program since its inception. Two subject areas where laboratory equipment is critical in maintaining the quality of the program are Fluid Mechanics and Automatic Controls. It is proposed to develop a Mobile Instructional Laboratory built inside a 4O feet long trailer to house equipment for Fluid Mechanics and Automatic Controls. The laboratory facility will move to one of the sites and stay there for four weeks. It will be equipped with four modular workstations which can be changed quickly to accommodate a variety of equipment. Utilization of this facility for two subject areas and between three sites offers a cost effective solution without comprising the quality of the program.