selected publications academicarticle Cong, X., Poyton, M. F., Baxter, A. J., Pullanchery, S., & Cremer, P. S. (2015). Unquenchable Surface Potential Dramatically Enhances Cu(2+) Binding to Phosphatidylserine Lipids. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 137(24), 7785-7792. Pullanchery, S., Kulik, S., Rehl, B., Hassanali, A., & Roke, S. Charge transfer across C-HO hydrogen bonds stabilizes oil droplets in water. Science. 374(6573), 1366-1370. Pullanchery, S., & Roke, S. Handy water: Chiral superstructures around peptide -sheets. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118(2), e2024376118. Pullanchery, S., Zhang, L., Kulik, S., & Roke, S. Interfacial Inversion, Interference, and IR Absorption in Vibrational Sum Frequency Scattering Experiments. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 127(30), 6795-6803. Pullanchery, S., Yang, T., & Cremer, P. S. Introduction of Positive Charges into Zwitterionic Phospholipid Monolayers Disrupts Water Structure Whereas Negative Charges Enhances It. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 122(51), 12260-12270. Pullanchery, S., Dupertuis, N., Roesel, T., & Roke, S. Liposomes and Lipid Droplets Display a Reversal of Charge-Induced Hydration Asymmetry. Nano Letters. 23(21), 9858-9864. Sun, S., Sendecki, A. M., Pullanchery, S., Huang, D. a., Yang, T., & Cremer, P. S. Multistep Interactions between Ibuprofen and Lipid Membranes. Langmuir. 34(36), 10782-10792. Pullanchery, S., Kulik, S., Okur, H. I., de Aguiar, H. B., & Roke, S. On the stability and necessary electrophoretic mobility of bare oil nanodroplets in water. Journal of Chemical Physics. 152(24), 241104. Thomas, R., Thomas, A., Pullanchery, S., Joseph, L., Somasundaran, S. M., Swathi, R. S., Gray, S. K., & Thomas, K. G. Plexcitons: The Role of Oscillator Strengths and Spectral Widths in Determining Strong Coupling. ACS Nano. 12(1), 402-415. Melcrov, A., Pokorna, S., Pullanchery, S., Kohagen, M., Jurkiewicz, P., Hof, M., ... Cwiklik, L. The complex nature of calcium cation interactions with phospholipid bilayers. Scientific Reports. 6(1), 38035. Kulik, S., Pullanchery, S., & Roke, S. Vibrational Sum Frequency Scattering in Absorptive Media: A Theoretical Case Study of Nano-objects in Water. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 124(42), 23078-23085. Pullanchery, S., Kulik, S., & Roke, S. Water Structure at the Hydrophobic Nanodroplet Surface Revealed by Vibrational Sum Frequency Scattering Using Isotopic Dilution. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 126(16), 3186-3192. Kusler, K., Odoh, S. O., Silakov, A., Poyton, M. F., Pullanchery, S., Cremer, P. S., & Gagliardi, L. What Is the Preferred Conformation of Phosphatidylserine-Copper(II) Complexes? A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Investigation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 120(50), 12883-12889. Poyton, M. F., Pullanchery, S., Sun, S., Yang, T., & Cremer, P. S. Zn2+ Binds to Phosphatidylserine and Induces Membrane Blebbing. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 142(43), 18679-18686. Pullanchery, S., Kulik, S., Schnfeldov, T., Egan, C. K., Cassone, G., Hassanali, A., & Roke, S. pH drives electron density fluctuations that enhance electric field-induced liquid flow. Nature Communications. 15(1), 5951. institutional repository document Pullanchery, S., Kulik, S., Okur, H. I., de Aguiar, H. B., & Roke, S. Communication: On the Stability and Necessary Electrophoretic Mobility of Bare Oil Nanodroplets in Water Pullanchery, S., Dupertuis, N., Schnfeldov, T., & Roke, S. Liposomes and Lipid Droplets Display a Reversal of Charge-Induced Hydration Asymmetry Pullanchery, S., Kulik, S., & Roke, S. Water Structure at the Hydrophobic Droplet Surface Revealed by Vibrational Sum Frequency Scattering using Isotopic Dilution Pullanchery, S., Kulik, S., Schnfeldov, T., Egan, C., Cassone, G., Hassanali, A., & Roke, S. pH drives electron density fluctuations that enhance electric field-induced liquid flow Pullanchery, S., Kulik, S., Schnfeldov, T., Cassone, G., Hassanali, A., & Roke, S. pH drives electron density fluctuations that enhance electric field-induced liquid flow
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