selected publications academicarticle Olson, A. J., Yust, C. G., & Christensen, B. E. (2023). Are public health policies associated with corporate innovation? Evidence from U.S. nonsmoking laws. Research Policy. 52(10), 104887-104887. Bucaro, A., Wilks, T. J., & Yust, C. G. (2023). Current Issues Faced by Controllers Donelson, D. C., Kartapanis, A., & Yust, C. G. (2023). The merits of securities litigation and corporate reputation Donelson, D. C., Kartapanis, A., & Yust, C. (2023). Information Production and Translation of Legalese: The Medias Role in Impounding Price Information from Case Filings Flores, E., Monsen, B., Shafron, E., & Yust, C. (2023). 'No Comment': Language Barriers and the IASB's Comment Letter Process Donelson, D. C., Hutzler, C. M., Monsen, B., & Yust, C. G. (2022). The Effect of Securities Litigation Risk on Firm Value and Disclosure Kartapanis, A., & Yust, C. G. (2022). Getting Back to the Source: A New Approach to Measuring Ex Ante Litigation Risk Using Plaintiff-Lawyer Views of SEC Filings. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 1-44. Donelson, D. C., Flam, R. W., & Yust, C. G. (2022). Spillover Effects in Disclosure-Related Securities Litigation. Accounting Review. 97(5), 275-299. Donelson, D. C., Glenn, J. L., & Yust, C. G. (2022). Is tax aggressiveness associated with tax litigation risk? Evidence from D&O Insurance. Review of accounting studies. 27(2), 519-569. Donelson, D. C., Tori, E., & Yust, C. G. (2022). The Effects of Independent Director Litigation Risk. Contemporary Accounting Research. 39(2), 982-1022. Swanson, E. P., Young, G. M., & Yust, C. G. (2022). Are all activists created equal? The effect of interventions by hedge funds and other private activists on long-term shareholder value. Journal of Corporate Finance. 72(2823067), 102144-102144. Donelson, D. C., Kartapanis, A., McInnis, J., & Yust, C. G. (2021). Measuring Accounting Fraud and Irregularities Using Public and Private Enforcement. Accounting Review. 96(6), 183-213. Donelson, D. C., Monsen, B. R., & Yust, C. G. (2021). U.S. Evidence from D&O Insurance on Accounting-Related Agency Costs: Implications for Country-Specific Studies. Journal of Financial Reporting. 6(2), 63-87. Donelson, D. C., Kartapanis, A., & Yust, C. G. (2021). Does Media Coverage Cause Meritorious Shareholder Litigation? Evidence from the Stock Option Backdating Scandal. The Journal of Law and Economics. 64(3), 567-601. Baugh, M., Ege, M. S., & Yust, C. G. (2020). Internal Control Quality and Bank Risk-Taking and Performance. Auditing: a Journal of Practice and Theory. 40(2), 49-84. Donelson, D. C., & Yust, C. G. (2019). Insurers and Lenders as Monitors During Securities Litigation: Evidence from D&O Insurance Premiums, Interest Rates, and Litigation Costs. Journal of Risk and Insurance. 86(3), 663-696. Ahmed, A. S., Christensen, B. E., Olson, A. J., & Yust, C. G. (2019). Deja Vu: The Effect of Executives and Directors with Prior Banking Crisis Experience on Bank Outcomes around the Global Financial Crisis. Contemporary Accounting Research. 36(2), 958-998. Cantrell, B. W., & Yust, C. G. (2019). Tainted portfolios: How impairment accounting rules restrict security sales. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting. 46(5-6), 608-635. Ahmed, A. S., Christensen, B. E., Olson, A. J., & Yust, C. G. (2019). Dj Vu: The Effect of Executives and Directors With Prior Banking Crisis Experience on Bank Outcomes Around the Global Financial Crisis. 36 (2), 658-998. McInnis, J. M., Yu, Y., & Yust, C. G. (2018). Does Fair Value Accounting Provide More Useful Financial Statements than Current GAAP for Banks?. Accounting Review. 93(6), 257-279. Donelson, D. C., Hopkins, J. J., & Yust, C. G. (2018). The cost of disclosure regulation: evidence from D&O insurance and nonmeritorious securities litigation. Review of accounting studies. 23(2), 528-588. Cantrell, B. W., & Yust, C. G. (2018). The relation between religiosity and private bank outcomes. Journal of Banking and Finance. 91, 86-105. Donelson, D. C., Hopkins, J., & Yust, C. G. (2015). The Role of D&O Insurance in Securities Fraud Class Action Settlements Donelson, D. C., Hopkins, J. J., & Yust, C. G. (2015). The Role of Directors' and Officers' Insurance in Securities Fraud Class Action Settlements. The Journal of Law and Economics. 58(4), 747-778. Donelson, D. C., & Yust, C. G. (2014). Litigation Risk and Agency Costs: Evidence from Nevada Corporate Law. The Journal of Law and Economics. 57(3), 747-780. conference paper Cantrell, B. W., McInnis, J. M., & Yust, C. G. (2014). Predicting Credit Losses: Loan Fair Values versus Historical Costs. Accounting Review. 147-176.
teaching activities ACCT327 Financial Reporting I Instructor ACCT651 Dev Of Acct Thought Instructor ACCT660 Acct Info & Finc Mkts Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Accounting, The University of Texas at Austin - (Austin, Texas, United States) 2015 B.B.A. in Accounting, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2007 M.S. in Finance, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2007