Protein synthesis in cells infected by murine hepatitis viruses JHM and A59: tryptic peptide analysis. uri icon


  • The structural and intracellular proteins of the murine hepatitis viruses MHV-JHM and MHV-A59 were studied by tryptic peptide mapping. The results demonstrated that the virions contained three distinct proteins: the two related chains of the E2 complex, the nucleocapsid protein and the heterogeneous E1 complex. Five distinct virus-specific proteins were synthesized by infected cells. Three of the five intracellular proteins contained tryptic-peptides with properties similar to the three structural proteins. Models describing the evolution of the proteins are proposed. Although the pathogenic properties of MHV-JHM and MHV-A59 differ greatly, the tryptic peptide maps of the corresponding proteins of these MHV strains were remarkably similar.

published proceedings

  • Arch Virol

author list (cited authors)

  • Bond, C. W., Anderson, K., & Leibowitz, J. L.

citation count

  • 7

complete list of authors

  • Bond, CW||Anderson, K||Leibowitz, JL

publication date

  • December 1984