NMR and Mossbauer study of spin-glass behavior in FeAl2
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We have used NMR and Mssbauer spectroscopy to investigate the magnetism and spin-glass behavior in FeAl 2. The results show that the observed behavior can be interpreted as local-moment magnetism residing on the Fe sites. An increase in 57Fe Mssbauer magnetic hyperfine field was observed at the 35-K spin-glass freezing temperature, with a reduced low-temperature value consistent with unquenched fluctuations in the spin-glass state. However, the 27Al NMR shifts and spin-lattice relaxation behavior are consistent with transfer hyperfine interactions to Fe local moments, with a magnitude of approximately 2.5 B. This value is consistent with the bulk magnetization, but surprising compared to other Fe aluminides, given the small Fe-Fe coordination number and associated weakening expected for the magnetic moment. 2005 The American Physical Society.