Cloning and sequencing of Coxiella burnetii outer membrane protein gene com1.
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The gene for an approximately 27-kDa outer membrane-associated, immunoreactive protein was cloned from the rickettsial pathogen Coxiella burnetii. The gene, designated com1 for Coxiella outer membrane protein 1, was expressed in Escherichia coli, presumably by its own promoter. The complete nucleotide sequence of the gene was determined. The deduced amino acid sequence of 252 residues includes a putative leader sequence. The leader sequence is recognized in and removed by E. coli on the basis of the difference in the molecular mass of the protein produced in an in vitro transcription-translation system (27.6 kDa) and that of the protein immunoprecipitated from an iodinated E. coli clone (25.7 kDa). The Com1 protein expressed in E. coli was proteinase K sensitive in nondisrupted cells and soluble in 1% Sarkosyl, suggesting a loose association with the outer membrane. While the complete predicted sequence of the Com1 protein does not show any overall similarity to those of previously described proteins, a region which includes the only two cysteines in Com1 is homologous to the catalytic site of protein disulfide oxidoreductases.