Scaling properties of hyperon production in Au+Au collisions at square root [sNN]=200 GeV.
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We present the scaling properties of Lambda, Xi, and Omega in midrapidity Au+Au collisions at the Brookhaven National Laboratory Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at sqrt[s_{NN}]=200 GeV. The yield of multistrange baryons per participant nucleon increases from peripheral to central collisions more rapidly than that of Lambda, indicating an increase of the strange-quark density of the matter produced. The strange phase-space occupancy factor gamma_{s} approaches unity for the most central collisions. Moreover, the nuclear modification factors of p, Lambda, and Xi are consistent with each other for 2
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author list (cited authors)
Adams, J., Aggarwal, M. M., Ahammed, Z., Amonett, J., Anderson, B. D., Anderson, M., ... STAR Collaboration.
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complete list of authors
Adams, J||Aggarwal, MM||Ahammed, Z||Amonett, J||Anderson, BD||Anderson, M||Arkhipkin, D||Averichev, GS||Bai, Y||Balewski, J||Barannikova, O||Barnby, LS||Baudot, J||Bekele, S||Belaga, VV||Bellingeri-Laurikainen, A||Bellwied, R||Bezverkhny, BI||Bhardwaj, S||Bhasin, A||Bhati, AK||Bichsel, H||Bielcik, J||Bielcikova, J||Bland, LC||Blyth, CO||Blyth, S-L||Bonner, BE||Botje, M||Bouchet, J||Brandin, AV||Bravar, A||Bystersky, M||Cadman, RV||Cai, XZ||Caines, H||Calderón de la Barca Sánchez, M||Castillo, J||Catu, O||Cebra, D||Chajecki, Z||Chaloupka, P||Chattopadhyay, S||Chen, HF||Chen, JH||Chen, Y||Cheng, J||Cherney, M||Chikanian, A||Choi, HA||Christie, W||Coffin, JP||Cormier, TM||Cosentino, MR||Cramer, JG||Crawford, HJ||Das, D||Das, S||Daugherity, M||de Moura, MM||Dedovich, TG||DePhillips, M||Derevschikov, AA||Didenko, L||Dietel, T||Djawotho, P||Dogra, SM||Dong, WJ||Dong, X||Draper, JE||Du, F||Dunin, VB||Dunlop, JC||Dutta Mazumdar, MR||Eckardt, V||Edwards, WR||Efimov, LG||Emelianov, V||Engelage, J||Eppley, G||Erazmus, B||Estienne, M||Fachini, P||Fatemi, R||Fedorisin, J||Filimonov, K||Filip, P||Finch, E||Fine, V||Fisyak, Y||Fu, J||Gagliardi, CA||Gaillard, L||Gans, J||Ganti, MS||Ghazikhanian, V||Ghosh, P||Gonzalez, JE||Gorbunov, YG||Gos, H||Grebenyuk, O||Grosnick, D||Guertin, SM||Guimaraes, KSFF||Guo, Y||Gupta, N||Gutierrez, TD||Haag, B||Hallman, TJ||Hamed, A||Harris, JW||He, W||Heinz, M||Henry, TW||Hepplemann, S||Hippolyte, B||Hirsch, A||Hjort, E||Hoffmann, GW||Horner, MJ||Huang, HZ||Huang, SL||Hughes, EW||Humanic, TJ||Igo, G||Jacobs, P||Jacobs, WW||Jakl, P||Jia, F||Jiang, H||Jones, PG||Judd, EG||Kabana, S||Kang, K||Kapitan, J||Kaplan, M||Keane, D||Kechechyan, A||Khodyrev, V Yu||Kim, BC||Kiryluk, J||Kisiel, A||Kislov, EM||Klein, SR||Koetke, DD||Kollegger, T||Kopytine, M||Kotchenda, L||Kouchpil, V||Kowalik, KL||Kramer, M||Kravtsov, P||Kravtsov, VI||Krueger, K||Kuhn, C||Kulikov, AI||Kumar, A||Kuznetsov, AA||Lamont, MAC||Landgraf, JM||Lange, S||Lapointe, S||Laue, F||Lauret, J||Lebedev, A||Lednicky, R||Lee, C-H||Lehocka, S||Levine, MJ||Li, C||Li, Q||Li, Y||Lin, G||Lindenbaum, SJ||Lisa, MA||Liu, F||Liu, H||Liu, J||Liu, L||Liu, Z||Ljubicic, T||Llope, WJ||Long, H||Longacre, RS||Lopez-Noriega, M||Love, WA||Lu, Y||Ludlam, T||Lynn, D||Ma, GL||Ma, JG||Ma, YG||Magestro, D||Mahapatra, DP||Majka, R||Mangotra, LK||Manweiler, R||Margetis, S||Markert, C||Martin, L||Matis, HS||Matulenko, Yu A||McClain, CJ||McShane, TS||Melnick, Yu||Meschanin, A||Miller, ML||Minaev, NG||Mioduszewski, S||Mironov, C||Mischke, A||Mishra, DK||Mitchell, J||Mohanty, B||Molnar, L||Moore, CF||Morozov, DA||Munhoz, MG||Nandi, BK||Nattrass, C||Nayak, TK||Nelson, JM||Netrakanti, PK||Nikitin, VA||Nogach, LV||Nurushev, SB||Odyniec, G||Ogawa, A||Okorokov, V||Oldenburg, M||Olson, D||Pachr, M||Pal, SK||Panebratsev, Y||Panitkin, SY||Pavlinov, AI||Pawlak, T||Peitzmann, T||Perevoztchikov, V||Perkins, C||Peryt, W||Petrov, VA||Phatak, SC||Picha, R||Planinic, M||Pluta, J||Poljak, N||Porile, N||Porter, J||Poskanzer, AM||Potekhin, M||Potrebenikova, E||Potukuchi, BVKS||Prindle, D||Pruneau, C||Putschke, J||Rakness, G||Raniwala, R||Raniwala, S||Ray, RL||Razin, SV||Reinnarth, J||Relyea, D||Retiere, F||Ridiger, A||Ritter, HG||Roberts, JB||Rogachevskiy, OV||Romero, JL||Rose, A||Roy, C||Ruan, L||Russcher, MJ||Sahoo, R||Sakrejda, I||Salur, S||Sandweiss, J||Sarsour, M||Sazhin, PS||Schambach, J||Scharenberg, RP||Schmitz, N||Schweda, K||Seger, J||Selyuzhenkov, I||Seyboth, P||Shabetai, A||Shahaliev, E||Shao, M||Sharma, M||Shen, WQ||Shimanskiy, SS||Sichtermann, E||Simon, F||Singaraju, RN||Smirnov, N||Snellings, R||Sood, G||Sorensen, P||Sowinski, J||Speltz, J||Spinka, HM||Srivastava, B||Stadnik, A||Stanislaus, TDS||Stock, R||Stolpovsky, A||Strikhanov, M||Stringfellow, B||Suaide, AAP||Sugarbaker, E||Sumbera, M||Sun, Z||Surrow, B||Swanger, M||Symons, TJM||Szanto de Toledo, A||Tai, A||Takahashi, J||Tang, AH||Tarnowsky, T||Thein, D||Thomas, JH||Timmins, AR||Timoshenko, S||Tokarev, M||Trainor, TA||Trentalange, S||Tribble, RE||Tsai, OD||Ulery, J||Ullrich, T||Underwood, DG||Van Buren, G||van der Kolk, N||van Leeuwen, M||Vander Molen, AM||Varma, R||Vasilevski, IM||Vasiliev, AN||Vernet, R||Vigdor, SE||Viyogi, YP||Vokal, S||Voloshin, SA||Waggoner, WT||Wang, F||Wang, G||Wang, JS||Wang, XL||Wang, Y||Watson, JW||Webb, JC||Westfall, GD||Wetzler, A||Whitten, C||Wieman, H||Wissink, SW||Witt, R||Wood, J||Wu, J||Xu, N||Xu, QH||Xu, Z||Yepes, P||Yoo, I-K||Yurevich, VI||Zhan, W||Zhang, H||Zhang, WM||Zhang, Y||Zhang, ZP||Zhao, Y||Zhong, C||Zoulkarneev, R||Zoulkarneeva, Y||Zubarev, AN||Zuo, JX
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