publication venue for
- The Graduate Student Assembly: Pathways to Leadership. 62:427-428. 2018
- Expectations and Experiences of the AECT Leadership Internship Program. 62:212-214. 2018
- Student Visa Approved, Beam Me Up, Scotty!: Being a Legal Alien in American Graduate School. 61:210-211. 2017
- Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Literature Using Confidence Intervals. 56:25-33. 2012
- An Architecture for Case-based Learning. 54:44-50. 2010
- Capitalizing on the Overlap between Instructional Technology and Human Resource Development: A Potential Opportunity. 52:53-59. 2008
- Authentic Learning Experiences to Improve Online Instructors Performance and Self-Efficacy: The Design of an Online Mentoring Program. 67:112-123.
- The Implementation of Virtual Reality in Organizational Learning: Attitudes, challenges, side effects, and affordances. 68:111-135.
- The Museum of Instructional Design: an Examination of Learner Experiences & Usability in a Collaborative 3D Virtual Learning Environment. 68:338-357.
- Transfer of Training, Trainee Attitudes and Best Practices in Training Design: a Multiple-Case Study. 64:280-301.