Examining the $N$ = 28 shell closure through high-precision mass measurements of $^{46-48}$Ar Institutional Repository Document uri icon


  • The strength of the $N$ = 28 magic number in neutron-rich argon isotopes is examined through high-precision mass measurements of $^{46-48}$Ar, performed with the ISOLTRAP mass spectrometer at ISOLDE/CERN. The new mass values are up to 90 times more precise than previous measurements. While they suggest the persistence of the $N$ = 28 shell closure for argon, we show that this conclusion has to be nuanced in light of the wealth of spectroscopic data and theoretical investigations performed with the emph{SDPF-U} phenomenological shell model interaction. Our results are also compared with emph{ab initio} calculations using the Valence Space In-Medium Similarity Renormalization Group and the Self-Consistent Green's Function approaches. Both calculations provide a very good account of mass systematics at and around $Z$ = 18 and, generally, a consistent description of the physics in this region. This combined analysis indicates that $^{46}$Ar is the transition between the closed-shell $^{48}$Ca and collective $^{44}$S.

author list (cited authors)

  • Mougeot, M., Atanasov, D., Barbieri, C., Blaum, K., Breitenfeld, M., de Roubin, A., ... Zuber, K.

complete list of authors

  • Mougeot, Maxime||Atanasov, Dinko||Barbieri, Carlo||Blaum, Klaus||Breitenfeld, Martin||de Roubin, Antoine||Duguet, Thomas||George, Sebastian||Herfurth, Frank||Herlert, Alexander||Holt, Jason D||Karthein, Jonas||Lunney, David||Manea, Vladimir||Navràtil, Petr||Neidherr, Dennis||Rosenbusch, Marco||Schweikhard, Lutz||Schwenk, Achim||Somà, Vittorio||Welker, Andree||Wienholtz, Frank||Wolf, Robert N||Zuber, Kai

Book Title

  • arXiv

publication date

  • June 2020