Mapping the Ethics Landscape for the Use of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) in Conservation uri icon


  • Abstract This paper aims to identify the values and ethical issues at stake when assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) are used in animals for conservation purposes. We outline key concerns about individual animal welfare and lives, and the central conservation values that underpin and justify the use of ARTs for conservation purposes. We then discuss three questions that might help to guide ethical development and use of ARTs in a conservation context: Is the goal of the project involving ARTs for conservation well justified? Can the goal of the project be accomplished responsibly using ARTs? Is the project, and the use of ARTs in it, overall desirable? Decisions to use ARTs for conservation are ethically complex and not amenable to blanket ethical approval or disapproval; they will, instead, require detailed empirically and normatively grounded evaluation on a case-by-case basis, which can be guided by these questions.

published proceedings

  • Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research

author list (cited authors)

  • Palmer, C., & Sandler, R.

complete list of authors

  • Palmer, Clare||Sandler, Ronald