selected publications academicarticle Cao, W., Douglas, K. C., Samollow, P. B., VandeBerg, J. L., Wang, X. u., & Clark, A. G. (2023). Origin and Evolution of Marsupial-specific Imprinting Clusters Through Lineage-specific Gene Duplications and Acquisition of Promoter Differential Methylation. 40(2), msad022. Schroeder, D. I., Jayashankar, K., Douglas, K. C., Thirkill, T. L., York, D., Dickinson, P. J., ... LaSalle, J. M. (2015). Early Developmental and Evolutionary Origins of Gene Body DNA Methylation Patterns in Mammalian Placentas. PLOS Genetics. 11(8), e1005442-e1005442. Douglas, K. C., Wang, X. u., Jasti, M., Wolff, A., VandeBerg, J. L., Clark, A. G., & Samollow, P. B. (2014). Genome-wide histone state profiling of fibroblasts from the opossum, Monodelphis domestica, identifies the first marsupial-specific imprinted gene. BMC GENOMICS. 15(1), 89. Wang, X. u., Douglas, K. C., Vandeberg, J. L., Clark, A. G., & Samollow, P. B. (2014). Chromosome-wide profiling of X-chromosome inactivation and epigenetic states in fetal brain and placenta of the opossum, Monodelphis domestica. Genome Research. 24(1), 70-83. Gouin, N., Borquez, J., Samollow, P. B., Douglas, K. C., Jasti, M., & Bertin, A. (2012). Isolation of microsatellite markers for two Chilean freshwater anomuran species (Aegla araucaniensis and Aegla pewenchae) using PCR-based methods. Conservation Genetics Resources. 4(1), 93-96. Molecular Ecology Resources Primer Development Consortium, .., Austin, J. D., Bertin, A., Brquez, J. P., Crdenas, L., Cardoza, T. B., ... Wellenreuther, M. (2011). Permanent genetic resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 February 2011-31 March 2011. Molecular Ecology Resources. 11(4), 757-758. Douglas, K. C., Halbert, N. D., Kolenda, C., Childers, C., Hunter, D. L., & Derr, J. N. (2011). Complete mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis of Bison bison and bison-cattle hybrids: function and phylogeny. Mitochondrion. 11(1), 166-175. Kammerer, C. M., Rainwater, D. L., Gouin, N., Jasti, M., Douglas, K. C., Dressen, A. S., ... Samollow, P. B. (2010). Localization of genes for V+LDL plasma cholesterol levels on two diets in the opossum Monodelphis domestica. Journal of Lipid Research. 51(10), 2929-2939. Renshaw, M. A., Douglas, K. C., Rexroad Iii, C. E., Jobity, A., & Gold, J. R. (2009). Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in the Serra Spanish mackerel, Scomberomorus brasiliensis. Molecular Ecology Resources. 9(3), 835-838. Hillman, P. R., Christian, S., Doan, R., Cohen, N. D., Konganti, K., Douglas, K., ... Dindot, S. V. Genomic imprinting does not reduce the dosage of UBE3A in neurons. Epigenetics and Chromatin. 10(1), 27. thesis Douglas, K. C. (2013). Genomic Imprinting and X-Chromosome Inactivation in the Gray, Short-Tailed Opossum, Monodelphis domestica
education and training Ph.D. in Genetics, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2013 M.Sc. in Biology, Baylor University - (Waco, Texas, United States) 2006 B.Sc. in Forensic Science, Baylor University - (Waco, Texas, United States) 2004