Visualizing single molecules interacting with nuclear pore complexes by narrow-field epifluorescence microscopy.
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The utility of single molecule fluorescence (SMF) for understanding biological reactions has been amply demonstrated by a diverse series of studies over the last decade. In large part, the molecules of interest have been limited to those within a small focal volume or near a surface to achieve the high sensitivity required for detecting the inherently weak signals arising from individual molecules. Consequently, the investigation of molecular behavior with high time and spatial resolution deep within cells using SMF has remained challenging. Recently, we demonstrated that narrow-field epifluorescence microscopy allows visualization of nucleocytoplasmic transport at the single cargo level. We describe here the methodological approach that yields 2 ms and approximately 15 nm resolution for a stationary particle. The spatial resolution for a mobile particle is inherently worse, and depends on how fast the particle is moving. The signal-to-noise ratio is sufficiently high to directly measure the time a single cargo molecule spends interacting with the nuclear pore complex. Particle tracking analysis revealed that cargo molecules randomly diffuse within the nuclear pore complex, exiting as a result of a single rate-limiting step. We expect that narrow-field epifluorescence microscopy will be useful for elucidating other binding and trafficking events within cells.