Editors' Introduction uri icon


  • In this introduction, the editors continue their reflections on scholarly editing in the pandemic, welcome two new co-editors, and announce a grant-funded initiative that builds on Lateral Forums. This issue features three regular articles and the first installment of a special section, Crip Pandemic Life: A Tapestry, which builds on the 'Cripistemologies of Crisis' special section, edited by Theodora Danylevich and Aly Patsavas, last year.

published proceedings

  • Lateral

author list (cited authors)

  • Carley, R., carrington, a. M., Jones, S. A., Laine, E., Spurgas, A. K., & Sula, C. A.

complete list of authors

  • Carley, Robert||carrington, andrĂ© M||Jones, Stefanie A||Laine, Eero||Spurgas, Alyson K||Sula, Chris Alen