Effects of intraventricular histamine and H2 receptor antagonists on intraocular pressure.
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Severe ocular hypertension has been reported in a chronic glaucoma patient following use of histamine H2 receptor antagonists for treatment of peptic ulcer. Subsequent studies, however, have failed to demonstrate a significant action of topical or intravenously administered H2 blockers on intraocular pressure (IOP) in humans. In this study, cimetidine and ranitidine were administered into the cerebral ventricles of unanesthetized New Zealand White rabbits. Both drugs caused prolonged increases in IOP at a dose of 1 umol. Maximal elevations of IOP occurred approximately 20 min after drug injections and averaged 5-8 mmHg above pre-drug values. In contrast, histamine (0.3 and 1.0 umol) produced biphasic effects on IOP when given by intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection. These data suggest that central mechanisms may mediate the actions of some histamine receptor agonists and antagonists on IOP.