selected publications academicarticle Moore, T., Schell, C., Walton, C., Martin, S., Womack, W., Hill, K., ... Green, J. S. (2005). Differences In Heart Disease Risk Perception In Cardiac Patients, Medical Professionals, And College-age Adults. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 37(5), s470-s471. book Shea, K. B., Netherland, B., Darnell, G., & Agnor, D (2014). Introduction to the Science of Health and Fitness Shea, K. B., Netherland, B., Agnor, D., & Darnell, G (2014). The Science of Basic Health and Fitness Netherland, B., Shea, K. B., & Darnell, G (2014). The Science of Basic Health and Fitness - EBook Bounds, L. E., Shea, K. B., Darnell, G., & Agnor, D (2009). Health and Fitness A Guide to A Healthy Lifestyle. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. Caruso, N. M., Shea, K. B., Agnor, D., Netherland, B., & Slagel, K (2007). Yoga for Students. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. conference paper Moore, T., Schell, C., Walton, C., Martin, S., Womack, W., Hill, K., ... Green, J. S. (2005). Differences In Heart Disease Risk Perception In Cardiac Patients, Medical Professionals, And College-age Adults: A Pilot Study. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. S470-S471.
teaching activities KINE120 Sci Basic Hlth & Fit Yoga Instructor KINE121 Phys & Motor Fitness Instructor KINE198 Hlth & Fit Wrtng Yoga Instructor KINE199 Hullabaloo U: Yoga Beginning Instructor KINE199 Hullabaloo U: Yoga Beginning Instructor KINE199 Yoga For Stress Management Instructor KINE199 Yoga For Stress Management Instructor KINE199 Yoga For Stress Management Instructor KINE199 Yoga For Stress Management Instructor KINE199 Yoga Intermediate Instructor KINE223 Intro Sci Hlth&fit Sand Volley Instructor
education and training M.S. in Physical Education, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 1982 B.S. in Biology, Texas Lutheran University - (Seguin, Texas, United States) 1981
mailing address Texas A&M University Health And Kinesiology 4243 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-4243 USA