Half-time Range description for the free space wave operator and the spherical means transform
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The forward problem arising in several hybrid imaging modalities can be modeled by the Cauchy problem for the free space wave equation. Solution to this problems describes propagation of a pressure wave, generated by a source supported inside unit sphere $S$. The data $g$ represent the time-dependent values of the pressure on the observation surface $S$. Finding initial pressure $f$ from the known values of $g$ consitutes the inverse problem. The latter is also frequently formulated in terms of the spherical means of $f$ with centers on~$S$. Here we consider a problem of range description of the wave operator mapping $f$ into $g$. Such a problem was considered before, with data $g$ known on time interval at least $[0,2]$ (assuming the unit speed of sound). Range conditions were also found in terms of spherical means, with radii of integration spheres lying in the range $[0,2]$. However, such data are redundant. We present necessary and sufficient conditions for function $g$ to be in the range of the wave operator, for $g$ given on a half-time interval $[0,1]$. This also implies range conditions on spherical means measured for the radii in the range $[0,1]$.