Thermally triggered degradation of transient electronic devices. uri icon


  • Thermally triggered transient electronics using wax-encapsulated acid, which enable rapid device destruction via acidic degradation of the metal electronic components are reported. Using a cyclic poly(phthalaldehyde) (cPPA) substrate affords a more rapid destruction of the device due to acidic depolymerization of cPPA.

published proceedings

  • Adv Mater

author list (cited authors)

  • Park, C. W., Kang, S., Hernandez, H. L., Kaitz, J. A., Wie, D. S., Shin, J., ... White, S. R.

complete list of authors

  • Park, Chan Woo||Kang, Seung-Kyun||Hernandez, Hector Lopez||Kaitz, Joshua A||Wie, Dae Seung||Shin, Jiho||Lee, Olivia P||Sottos, Nancy R||Moore, Jeffrey S||Rogers, John A||White, Scott R
