Centrality and pseudorapidity dependence of charged hadron production at intermediate p(T) in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=130 GeV
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2004 The American Physical Society. We present STAR measurements of charged hadron production as a function of centrality in Au+Au collisions at sNN=130 GeV. The measurements cover a phase space region of 0.2pcut, and studied the results in the framework of participant and binary scaling. No clear evidence is observed for participant scaling of charged hadron yield in the measured pT region. The relative importance of hard scattering processes is investigated through binary scaling fraction of particle production.
published proceedings
author list (cited authors)
Adams, J., Aggarwal, M. M., Ahammed, Z., Amonett, J., Anderson, B. D., Arkhipkin, D., ... Zubarev, A. N.
citation count
complete list of authors
Adams, J||Aggarwal, MM||Ahammed, Z||Amonett, J||Anderson, BD||Arkhipkin, D||Averichev, GS||Bai, Y||Balewski, J||Barannikova, O||Barnby, LS||Baudot, J||Bekele, S||Belaga, VV||Bellwied, R||Berger, J||Bezverkhny, BI||Bharadwaj, S||Bhatia, VS||Bichsel, H||Billmeier, A||Bland, LC||Blyth, CO||Bonner, BE||Botje, M||Boucham, A||Brandin, A||Bravar, A||Bystersky, M||Cadman, RV||Cai, XZ||Caines, H||Sanchez, MCD||Carroll, J||Castillo, J||Cebra, D||Chaloupka, P||Chattopdhyay, S||Chen, HF||Chen, Y||Cheng, J||Cherney, M||Chikanian, A||Christie, W||Coffin, JP||Cormier, TM||Cramer, JG||Crawford, HJ||Das, D||Das, S||de Moura, MM||Derevschikov, AA||Didenko, L||Dietel, T||Dong, WJ||Dong, X||Draper, JE||Du, F||Dubey, AK||Dunin, VB||Dunlop, JC||Mazumdar, MRD||Eckardt, V||Edwards, WR||Efimov, LG||Emelianov, V||Engelage, J||Eppley, G||Erazmus, B||Estienne, M||Fachini, P||Faivre, J||Fatemi, R||Fedorisin, J||Filimonov, K||Filip, P||Finch, E||Fine, V||Fisyak, Y||Foley, KJ||Fomenko, K||Fu, J||Gagliardi, CA||Gans, J||Ganti, MS||Gaudichet, L||Geurts, F||Ghazikhanian, V||Ghosh, P||Gonzalez, JE||Grachov, O||Grebenyuk, O||Grosnick, D||Guertin, SM||Gupta, A||Gutierrez, TD||Hallman, TJ||Hamed, A||Hardtke, D||Harris, JW||Heinz, M||Henry, TW||Hepplemann, S||Hippolyte, B||Hirsch, A||Hjort, E||Hoffmann, GW||Huang, HZ||Huang, SL||Hughes, EW||Humanic, TJ||Igo, G||Ishihara, A||Jacobs, P||Jacobs, WW||Janik, M||Jiang, H||Jones, PG||Judd, EG||Kabana, S||Kang, K||Kaplan, M||Keane, D||Khodyrev, VY||Kiryluk, J||Kisiel, A||Kislov, EM||Klay, J||Klein, SR||Klyachko, A||Koetke, DD||Kollegger, T||Kopytine, M||Kotchenda, L||Kramer, M||Kravtsov, P||Kravtsov, VI||Krueger, K||Kuhn, C||Kulikov, AI||Kumar, A||Kunz, CL||Kutuev, RK||Kuznetsov, AA||Lamont, MAC||Landgraf, JM||Lange, S||Laue, F||Lauret, J||Lebedev, A||Lednicky, R||Lehocka, S||LeVine, MJ||Li, C||Li, Q||Li, Y||Lindenbaum, SJ||Lisa, MA||Liu, F||Liu, L||Liu, QJ||Liu, Z||Ljubicic, T||Llope, WJ||Long, H||Longacre, RS||Lopez-Noriega, M||Love, WA||Lu, Y||Ludlam, T||Lynn, D||Ma, GL||Ma, JG||Ma, YG||Magestro, D||Mahajan, S||Mahapatra, DP||Majka, R||Mangotra, LK||Manweiler, R||Margetis, S||Markert, C||Martin, L||Marx, JN||Matis, HS||Matulenko, YA||McClain, CJ||McShane, TS||Meissner, F||Melnick, Y||Meschanin, A||Miller, ML||Milosevich, Z||Minaev, NG||Mironov, C||Mischke, A||Mishra, D||Mitchell, J||Mohanty, B||Molnar, L||Moore, CF||Mora-Corral, MJ||Morozov, DA||Morozov, V||Munhoz, MG||Nandi, BK||Nayak, TK||Nelson, JM||Netrakanti, PK||Nikitin, VA||Nogach, LV||Norman, B||Nurushev, SB||Odyniec, G||Ogawa, A||Okorokov, V||Oldenburg, M||Olson, D||Pal, SK||Panebratsev, Y||Panitkin, SY||Pavlinov, AI||Pawlak, T||Peitzmann, T||Perevoztchikov, V||Perkins, C||Peryt, W||Petrov, VA||Phatak, SC||Picha, R||Planinic, M||Pluta, J||Porile, N||Porter, J||Poskanzer, AM||Potekhin, M||Potrebenikova, E||Potukuchi, BVKS||Prindle, D||Pruneau, C||Putschke, J||Rai, G||Rakness, G||Raniwala, R||Raniwala, S||Ravel, O||Ray, RL||Razin, SV||Reichhold, D||Reid, JG||Renault, G||Retiere, F||Ridiger, A||Ritter, HG||Roberts, JB||Rogachevskiy, OV||Romero, JL||Rose, A||Roy, C||Ruan, L||Sahoo, R||Sakrejda, I||Salur, S||Sandweiss, J||Savin, I||Sazhin, PS||Schambach, J||Scharenberg, RP||Schmitz, N||Schroeder, LS||Schweda, K||Seger, J||Seyboth, P||Shahaliev, E||Shao, M||Shao, W||Sharma, M||Shen, WQ||Shestermanov, KE||Shimanskiy, SS||Simon, F||Singaraju, RN||Skoro, G||Smirnov, N||Snellings, R||Sood, G||Sorensen, P||Sowinski, J||Speltz, J||Spinka, HM||Srivastava, B||Stadnik, A||Stanislaus, TDS||Stock, R||Stolpovsky, A||Strikhanov, M||Stringfellow, B||Suaide, AAP||Sugarbaker, E||Suire, C||Sumbera, M||Surrow, B||Symons, TJM||Szanto de Toledo, A||Szarwas, P||Tai, A||Takahashi, J||Tang, AH||Tarnowsky, T||Thein, D||Thomas, JH||Timoshenko, S||Tokarev, M||Trainor, TA||Trentalange, S||Tribble, RE||Tsai, O||Ulery, J||Ullrich, T||Underwood, DG||Urkinbaev, A||Van Buren, G||Vander Molen, AM||Varma, R||Vasilevski, IM||Vasiliev, AN||Vernet, R||Vigdor, SE||Viyogi, YP||Vokal, S||Vznuzdaev, M||Waggoner, B||Wang, F||Wang, G||Wang, G||Wang, XL||Wang, Y||Wang, Y||Wang, ZM||Ward, H||Watson, JW||Webb, JC||Wells, R||Westfall, GD||Wetzler, A||Whitten, C||Wieman, H||Wissink, SW||Witt, R||Wood, J||Wu, J||Xu, N||Xu, Z||Xu, Z||Yamamoto, E||Yepes, P||Yurevich, VI||Zanevsky, YV||Zhang, H||Zhang, WM||Zhang, ZP||Zolnierczuk, PA||Zoulkarneev, R||Zoulkarneeva, Y||Zubarev, AN
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published in
51 Physical Sciences
5106 Nuclear And Plasma Physics
5107 Particle And High Energy Physics
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