Spatial and cumulative organochlorine and mercury exposure assessments in Steller Sea lions of Alaska: Emphasizing pups. uri icon


  • Steller sea lions (SSL) are sentinels for monitoring environmental contaminants in remote areas of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Therefore, concentrations of several organochlorines (OCs) were measured in blood from 123 SSL pups sampled from 3 regions; the western Aleutian Islands (WAI), central Aleutian Islands (CAI), and the central Gulf of Alaska. Blood, blubber, and milk from 12 adult female SSL from WAI, CAI and southeast Alaska also were analyzed. Findings included the following. SSL pups had higher concentrations of some OCs and mercury (Hg) on rookeries in the WAI than those more easterly. Pups had significantly higher blood concentrations of many OC classes than adult females sampled within the same region; some pups had PCB concentrations exceeding thresholds of concern (PCBs >8600ng/g lw). PCB concentration in pup whole blood was positively correlated with the trophic marker, 15N within the regions sampled, along with two PCB congeners (PCB138 and PCB153). This suggests that the dams of pups with higher PCBs, PCB138, and PCB153 concentrations were feeding on more predatory prey. Adult female blubber DDT and hexachlorocyclohexane concentrations were also positively correlated with 15N values. Several pups (mostly from WAI) had blood Hg concentrations and/or blood PCB concentrations (surrogate for overall OC exposures) of concern. The finding that WAI SSL pups have been exposed to multiple contaminants calls for future investigation of their cumulative exposure to a mixture of contaminants especially their transplacental and then transmammary exposure routes.

published proceedings

  • Mar Pollut Bull

author list (cited authors)

  • O'Hara, T. M., Ylitalo, G. M., Crawford, S. G., Taras, B. D., Fadely, B. S., Rehberg, M. J., & Rea, L. D.

complete list of authors

  • O'Hara, TM||Ylitalo, GM||Crawford, SG||Taras, BD||Fadely, BS||Rehberg, MJ||Rea, LD