Long-term reliable physical health monitoring by sweat pore-inspired perforated electronic skins. uri icon


  • Electronic skins (e-skins)-electronic sensors mechanically compliant to human skin-have long been developed as an ideal electronic platform for noninvasive human health monitoring. For reliable physical health monitoring, the interface between the e-skin and human skin must be conformal and intact consistently. However, conventional e-skins cannot perfectly permeate sweat in normal day-to-day activities, resulting in degradation of the intimate interface over time and impeding stable physical sensing. Here, we present a sweat pore-inspired perforated e-skin that can effectively suppress sweat accumulation and allow inorganic sensors to obtain physical health information without malfunctioning. The auxetic dumbbell through-hole patterns in perforated e-skins lead to synergistic effects on physical properties including mechanical reliability, conformability, areal mass density, and adhesion to the skin. The perforated e-skin allows one to laminate onto the skin with consistent homeostasis, enabling multiple inorganic sensors on the skin to reliably monitor the wearer's health over a period of weeks.

published proceedings

  • Sci Adv

author list (cited authors)

  • Yeon, H., Lee, H., Kim, Y., Lee, D., Lee, Y., Lee, J., ... Kim, J.

complete list of authors

  • Yeon, Hanwool||Lee, Haneol||Kim, Yeongin||Lee, Doyoon||Lee, Youngjoo||Lee, Jong-Sung||Shin, Jiho||Choi, Chanyeol||Kang, Ji-Hoon||Suh, Jun Min||Kim, Hyunseok||Kum, Hyun S||Lee, Jaeyong||Kim, Daeyeon||Ko, Kyul||Ma, Boo Soo||Lin, Peng||Han, Sangwook||Kim, Sungkyu||Bae, Sang-Hoon||Kim, Taek-Soo||Park, Min-Chul||Joo, Young-Chang||Kim, Eunjoo||Han, Jiyeon||Kim, Jeehwan