selected publications academic article Flam, R. W., Shafron, E., Sharp, N. Y., & Twedt, B. J. (2024). Media Relations Officers and Corporate Engagement with the Media Christensen, B. E., Ege, M., Sharp, N. Y., & Wilks, T. J. (2024). What Do Public Company Audit Clients Want from Their Auditor? Call, A. C., Flam, R. W., Lee, J. A., & Sharp, N. Y. (2023). Managers' use of humor on public earnings conference calls. Review of Accounting Studies. 1-38. Call, A. C., Flam, R. W., Lee, J. A., & Sharp, N. Y. (2023). Managers Use of Humor on Public Earnings Conference Calls Call, A. C., Emett, S. A., Maksymov, E., & Sharp, N. Y. (2022). Meet the press: Survey evidence on financial journalists as information intermediaries. Journal of Accounting. 73(2-3), 101455-101455. Call, A. C., Sharp, N. Y., & Shohfi, T. D. (2021). Which buy-side institutions participate in public earnings conference calls? Implications for capital markets and sell-side coverage. Journal of Corporate Finance. 68. Flam, R. W., Green, J., Lee, J. A., & Sharp, N. Y. (2020). A Level Playing Field? Empirical Evidence That Ethnic Minority Analysts Face Unequal Access to Corporate Managers Call, A. C., Sharp, N. Y., & Snow, M. (2020). Bearish Analysts and the Issuance of 'Unbeatable' Earnings Forecasts. SSRN Electronic Journal. Flam, R. W., Green, J., & Sharp, N. Y. (2020). Do Investors Respond to CEO Facial Expressions of Anger During Television Interviews? Call, A. C., Sharp, N. Y., & Wong, P. A. (2019). Changes in analysts' stock recommendations following regulatory action against their brokerage. Review of Accounting Studies. 24(4), 1184-1213. Brown, L. D., Call, A. C., Clement, M. B., & Sharp, N. Y. (2019). Managing the narrative: Investor relations officers and corporate disclosure. Journal of Accounting. 67(1), 58-79. Call, A. C., Flam, R. W., Lee, J. A., & Sharp, N. Y. (2019). Analysts and Managers Use of Humor on Public Earnings Conference Calls. SSRN Electronic Journal. Brown, L. D., Call, A. C., Clement, M. B., & Sharp, N. Y. (2018). Managing the Narrative: Investor Relations Officers and Corporate Disclosure Omer, T. C., Sharp, N. Y., & Wang, D. (2018). The Impact of Religion on the Going Concern Reporting Decisions of Local Audit Offices. Journal of Business Ethics. 149(4), 811-831. Call, A. C., Martin, G. S., Sharp, N. Y., & Wilde, J. H. (2018). Whistleblowers and Outcomes of Financial Misrepresentation Enforcement Actions. Journal of Accounting Research. 56(1), 123-171. Harrison, J. S., Boivie, S., Sharp, N. Y., & Gentry, R. J. (2018). SAVING FACE: HOW EXIT IN RESPONSE TO NEGATIVE PRESS AND STAR ANALYST DOWNGRADES REFLECTS REPUTATION MAINTENANCE BY DIRECTORS. Academy of Management Journal. 61(3), 1131-1157. Call, A. C., Martin, G. S., Sharp, N. Y., & Wilde, J. H. (2018). Whistleblowers and Outcomes of Financial Misrepresentation Enforcement Actions. 56. Rees, L. L., Sharp, N. Y., & Wong, P. A. (2017). Working on the Weekend: Do Analysts Strategically Time the Release of Their Recommendation Revisions? Rees, L., Sharp, N. Y., & Wong, P. A. (2017). Working on the weekend: Do analysts strategically time the release of their recommendation revisions?. Journal of Corporate Finance. 45, 104-121. Brown, L. D., Call, A. C., Clement, M. B., & Sharp, N. Y. (2016). The Activities of Buy-Side Analysts and the Determinants of Their Stock Recommendations Omer, T. C., Sharp, N. Y., & Wang, D. (2016). The Impact of Religion on the Going Concern Reporting Decisions of Local Audit Offices Brown, L. D., Call, A. C., Clement, M. B., & Sharp, N. Y. (2016). The activities of buy-side analysts and the determinants of their stock recommendations. Journal of Accounting. 62(1), 139-156. Baginski, S. P., McGuire, S. T., Sharp, N. Y., & Twedt, B. J. (2015). Changes in Managers Forecasting Behavior and the Markets Assessment of Forecast Credibility during Periods of Financial Misreporting Drake, M. S., Myers, L. A., Scholz, S., & Sharp, N. Y. (2015). Short Selling Around Restatement Announcements: When Do Bears Pounce?. 30(2), 218-245. Brown, L. D., Call, A. C., Clement, M. B., & Sharp, N. Y. (2015). Inside the "Black Box" of Sell-Side Financial Analysts. 53(1), 1-47. Rees, L., Sharp, N., & Twedt, B. (2015). Who's heard on the Street? Determinants and consequences of financial analyst coverage in the business press. Review of Accounting Studies. 20(1), 173-209. Christ, M. H., Masli, A., Sharp, N. Y., & Wood, D. A. (2015). Rotational internal audit programs and financial reporting quality: Do compensating controls help?. Accounting, Organizations and Society. 44, 37-59. Buckwalter, N. D., Sharp, N. Y., Wilde, J. H., & Wood, D. A. (2014). Are State Tax Amnesty Programs Associated with Financial Reporting Irregularities?. Public Finance Review. 42(6), 774-799. Brown, L. D., Call, A. C., Clement, M. B., & Sharp, N. Y. (2014). Inside the 'Black Box' of Sell-Side Financial Analysts Christensen, B. E., Omer, T. C., Sharp, N. Y., & Shelley, M. K. (2014). Pork Bellies and Public Company Audits: Have Audits Once Again Become Just Another Commodity? Drake, M. S., Myers, L. A., Scholz, S., & Sharp, N. Y. (2014). Short Selling Around Restatement Announcements: When Do Bears Pounce? Rees, L. L., Sharp, N. Y., & Twedt, B. J. (2014). Who's Heard on the Street? Determinants and Consequences of Financial Analyst Coverage in the Business Press Files, R., Sharp, N. Y., & Thompson, A. M. (2014). Empirical Evidence on Repeat Restatements. 28(1), 93-123. Bentley, K. A., Omer, T. C., & Sharp, N. Y. (2013). Business Strategy, Financial Reporting Irregularities, and Audit Effort. 30(2), 780-817. Mayew, W. J., Sharp, N. Y., & Venkatachalam, M. (2013). Using earnings conference calls to identify analysts with superior private information. 18(2), 386-413. Files, R., Sharp, N. Y., & Thompson, A. (2013). Empirical Evidence on Repeat Restatements Christensen, B. E., Omer, T. C., Sharp, N. Y., & Wong, P. A. (2013). Who You Know Matters: Evidence of Fee Discounts for Clients with Well-Connected Audit Committees Myers, L. A., Scholz, S., & Sharp, N. Y. (2013). Restating Under the Radar? Determinants of Restatement Disclosure Choices and the Related Market Reactions Keskek, S., Myers, L. A., Omer, T. C., & Sharp, N. Y. (2013). Exploring Managers Accrual-Related Forecast Optimism Prawitt, D. F., Sharp, N. Y., & Wood, D. A. (2012). Internal Audit Outsourcing and the Risk of Misleading or Fraudulent Financial Reporting: Did Sarbanes-Oxley Get It Wrong?. 29(4), 1109-+. Omer, T. C., Roulstone, D. T., Sharp, N. Y., & Twedt, B. J. (2012). The People in Your Neighborhood: Evidence of Local Information Leakage Around Corporate Headquarters When Insiders Trade Bentley-Goode, K. A., Omer, T. C., & Sharp, N. Y. (2012). Business Strategy, Financial Reporting Irregularities, and Audit Effort McGuire, S. T., Omer, T. C., & Sharp, N. Y. (2012). The Impact of Religion on Financial Reporting Irregularities. Accounting Review. 87(2), 645-673. McGuire, S. T., Newton, N. J., Omer, T. C., & Sharp, N. Y. (2012). Does Local Religiosity Impact Corporate Social Responsibility? Mayew, W. J., Sharp, N. Y., & Venkatachalam, M. (2011). Using Earnings Conference Calls to Identify Analysts with Superior Private Information Price, R. A., Sharp, N. Y., & Wood, D. A. (2011). Detecting and Predicting Accounting Irregularities: A Comparison of Commercial and Academic Risk Measures McGuire, S. T., Omer, T. C., & Sharp, N. Y. (2011). The Impact of Religion on Financial Reporting Irregularities Price, R., Sharp, N. Y., & Wood, D. A. (2011). Detecting and Predicting Accounting Irregularities: A Comparison of Commercial and Academic Risk Measures. Accounting Horizons. 25(4), 755-780. PRAWITT, D. F., SHARP, N. Y., & WOOD, D. A. (2011). Internal Audit Outsourcing and the Risk of Misleading or Fraudulent Financial Reporting: Did SarbanesOxley Get It Wrong?*. Contemporary Accounting Research. Prawitt, D. F., Sharp, N. Y., & Wood, D. A. (2011). Reconciling Archival and Experimental Research: Does Internal Audit Contribution Affect the External Audit Fee?. Behavioral Research in Accounting. 23(2), 187-206. Charles, S. L., Glover, S. M., & Sharp, N. Y. (2010). The Association between Financial Reporting Risk and Audit Fees before and after the Historic Events Surrounding SOX. Auditing: a Journal of Practice and Theory. 29(1), 15-39.
teaching activities ACCT327 Financial Reporting I Instructor ACCT659 Intro To Academic Research Instructor ACCT689 Sptp: Intro To Academic Rsrch Instructor ACCT689 Sptp:intro To Academic Rsrch Instructor ACCT691 Research Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Financial Accounting, The University of Texas at Austin - (Austin, Texas, United States) 2007 B.S. in Accounting, Brigham Young University - (Provo, Utah, United States) 2002 M.S. in Accounting, Brigham Young University - (Provo, Utah, United States) 2002
awards and honors Presidential Impact Fellows, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2018 Ricky Griffin Outstanding Research Award, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2018
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