Validation of the Sexual Discounting Task for Use in Adolescents.
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The Sexual Discounting Task (SDT) was developed to evaluate the effects of delay on decision making as it relates to sexual risk-taking behaviors. Though previously validated with other populations, including urban emerging adults, the current study sought to validate the SDT with adolescents. A sample of adolescents (N=155; 61% female) between ages 14 and 21 (Mage=19.5years) was recruited to complete the SDT (involving choices between immediate unprotected sex and delayed sex with a condom with hypothetical sexual partners) and the Delay Discounting Task (a delay discounting task for money outcomes). Additionally, they completed several self-report measures assessing demographics, sexual behavior, and sexual history. If the condom was readily available, respondents were more likely to use a condom for partners who were judged "most likely to have an STI" and for those that participants were "least likely to have sex with." Moreover, when a condom was not immediately available, greater self-reported sexual risk-taking was related to greater sexual discounting (i.e., greater effects of delay on decreasing condom use). Furthermore, sexual discounting was greater among partners deemed more desirable and those judged "least likely to have an STI." Differences in sexual discounting were significant after controlling for immediately available condom use. Findings from the current study suggest that the SDT is clinically meaningful for adolescents and is sensitive to factors that influence real-world decisions to use condoms. Future treatment and prevention should consider delay discounting as an important variable affecting sexual risk behavior.