selected publications academicarticle Mathur, S., Tomeek, J. M., Tarango-Armbula, L. A., Perez, R. M., & DeWoody, J. A. (2023). An evolutionary perspective on genetic load in small, isolated populations as informed by whole genome resequencing and forward-time simulations. Evolution. 77(3), 690-704. Jaebker, L. M., Teel, T. L., Bright, A. D., McLean, H. E., Tomecek, J. M., Frank, M. G., ... Carlisle, K. M. (2022). Social identity and acceptability of wild pig (Sus scrofa) control actions: A case study of Texas hunters. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 27(6), 507-521. French, J. T., Silvy, N. J., Campbell, T. A., & Tomecek, J. M. (2022). Divergent predator activity muddies the dynamic landscape of fear. Ecosphere. 13(2), Randel, C. J., Chavarria, P. M., Johnson, C. Z., Lopez, R. R., Tomeek, J. M., & Silvy, N. J. (2022). Characteristics of Hunter Harvested Montezuma Quail Wings and Implications for Molt Phenology. 9. Sawyer, S. J., Eubanks, M. D., Beasley, J. C., Barton, B. T., Puckett, R. T., Tomecek, J. M., & Tomberlin, J. K. (2022). Vertebrate and invertebrate competition for carrion in human-impacted environments depends on abiotic factors. Ecosphere. 13(7), Randel, C. J., & Tomeek, J. M. (2021). Axis axis (Artiodactyla: Cervidae). 53(1004), 51-64. McLean, H. E., Teel, T. L., Bright, A. D., Jaebker, L. M., Tomecek, J. M., Frank, M. G., ... Carlisle, K. M. (2021). Understanding tolerance for an invasive species: An investigation of hunter acceptance capacity for wild pigs (Sus scrofa) in Texas. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT. 285, 112143-112143. Tomecek, J. M. (2021). Aflatoxins and Wildlife: Exposure, Problems, Detection and Control Methods. JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT. 85(3), 602-603. Connally, R. L., Frank, M. G., Briers, G. E., Silvy, N. J., Carlisle, K. M., & Tomecek, J. M. (2021). A profile of wild pig hunters in Texas, USA. HUMAN-WILDLIFE INTERACTIONS. 15(1), 6-21. Tomecek, J. M (2021). Letter from the Associate Editor Considering the wide world of wild pig management. HUMAN-WILDLIFE INTERACTIONS. 15(1), 1-2. Connally, R. L., Frank, M. G., Briers, G. E., Silvy, N. J., Carlisle, K. M., & Tomecek, J. M. (2021). Hunter motivations and use of wild pigs in Texas, USA. HUMAN-WILDLIFE INTERACTIONS. 15(1), 32-43. Yu, S., Modarelli, J., Tomeek, J. M., French, J. T., Hilton, C., & Esteve-Gasent, M. D. (2020). Prevalence of common tick-borne pathogens in white-tailed deer and coyotes in south Texas. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 11, 129-135. Randel, C., Johnson, C. Z., Chavarria, P. M., Lopez, R. R., Silvy, N. J., & Tomecek, J. M. (2019). Estimating montezuma quail hatch date using primary molt at harvest. WILDLIFE SOCIETY BULLETIN. 43(4), 766-768. Mathur, S., Tomecek, J. M., Heniff, A., Luna, R., & DeWoody, J. A. (2019). Evidence of genetic erosion in a peripheral population of a North American game bird: the Montezuma quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae). Conservation Genetics. 20(6), 1369-1381. Modarelli, J. J., Tomeek, J. M., Piccione, J., Ferro, P. J., & Esteve-Gasent, M. D. (2019). Molecular prevalence and ecoregion distribution of select tick-borne pathogens in Texas dogs. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. 66(3), 1291-1300. Brewster, R. K., Henke, S. E., Turner, B. L., Tomecek, J. M., & Ortega-S, A (2019). Cost-benefit analysis of coyote removal as a management option in Texas cattle ranching. HUMAN-WILDLIFE INTERACTIONS. 13(3), 400-422. Tomecek, J. M. (2019). Did predator control go to the dogs? A 40-year retrospective. HUMAN-WILDLIFE INTERACTIONS. 13(1), 5-6. Toniecek, J. M., French, J. T., Walker, J. W., & Bromen, N. A. (2019). Factors influencing the movement of livestock guardian dogs in the Edwards Plateau of Texas: implications for efficacy, behavior, and territoriality. HUMAN-WILDLIFE INTERACTIONS. 13(1), 16-28. Bromen, N. A., French, J. T., Walker, J. W., & Tomecek, J. M. (2019). Spatial relationships between livestock guardian dogs and mesocarnivores in central Texas. HUMAN-WILDLIFE INTERACTIONS. 13(1), 29-41. Lackey, C., & Tomeek, J. M. (2018). Associate editors. Human-Wildlife Interactions. 12(1), 2. Tomeek, J. M. (2018). Applied Wildlife Habitat Management. Roel R. Lopez, Michael L. Morrison, and Israel D. Parker. 2017. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas, USA. 218 pp. $45.00 hardcover. ISBN: 9781623495022. JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT. 82(1), 239-239. Brewster, R. K., Henke, S. E., Ortega-Santos, A., Tomecek, J. M., & Turner, B. L. (2017). Do you hear what I hear? Human perception of coyote group size. HUMAN-WILDLIFE INTERACTIONS. 11(2), 167-174. Tomecek, J. M., Pierce, B. L., Reyna, K. S., & Peterson, M. J. (2017). Inadequate thermal refuge constrains landscape habitability for a grassland bird species. PeerJ. 5(8), e3709-e3709. Tomecek, J. M., Pierce, B. L., & Peterson, M. J. (2015). Quail abundance, hunter effort, and harvest of two texas quail species: implications for hunting management. Wildlife Biology. 21(6), 303-311. Sobotyk, C., Nguyen, N., Negrn, V., Varner, A., Saleh, M. N., Hilton, C., ... Verocai, G. G. Detection of Dirofilaria immitis via integrated serological and molecular analyses in coyotes from Texas, United States. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 18, 20-24. French, J. T., Wang, H., Grant, W. E., & Tomeek, J. M. Dynamics of animal joint space use: a novel application of a time series approach. Movement Ecology. 7(1), 38. conference paper Tomecek, J. M. (2019). MANAGEMENT OF SUS SCROFA THROUGH OUTREACH EDUCATION AND PRIVATE CITIZEN ACTION: LESSONS FROM TEXAS. 42-49. thesis Tomecek, J. M. (2015). Influences of Hunter Harvest, Temperature, and Relative Humidity on Northern Bobwhite and Scaled Quail in the Rolling Plains of Texas
teaching activities RWFM491 Research Instructor RWFM685 Directed Studies Instructor RWFM691 Research Instructor WFSC405 Urban Wildlife & Fish Instructor WFSC408 Technqs Of Wldlfe Mgmt Instructor WFSC491 Research Instructor WFSC638 Technqs Of Wildlife Mgmt Instructor WFSC685 Directed Studies Instructor WFSC691 Research Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2015
In the News Hunters prepare for opening day of deer season News Release Texas 'wild pig wars' leader assumes role in national task force News Release Texas A&M AgriLife Extension's John Tomecek to head National Wild Pig Task Force News Release