selected publications academicarticle Wang, Q., & Nie, X. (2019). A stochastic programming model for emergency supply planning considering traffic congestion. IISE TRANSACTIONS. 51(8), 910-920. Nie, X. (2019). The impact of conditional dependence on checked baggage screening. European Journal of Operational Research. 278(3), 883-893. Caunhye, A. M., & Nie, X. (2018). A Stochastic Programming Model for Casualty Response Planning During Catastrophic Health Events. Transportation Science. 52(2), 437-453. Nie, X., Boyac, T., Gm, M., Ray, S., & Zhang, D. (2017). Joint procurement and demand-side bidding strategies under price volatility. Annals of Operations Research. 257(1-2), 121-165. Caunhye, A. M., Zhang, Y., Li, M., & Nie, X. (2016). A location-routing model for prepositioning and distributing emergency supplies. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 90, 161-176. Yan, X., & Nie, X. (2016). Optimal placement of multiple types of detectors under a small vessel attack threat to port security. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 93, 71-94. Caunhye, A. M., Li, M., & Nie, X. (2015). A location-allocation model for casualty response planning during catastrophic radiological incidents. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. 50, 32-44. Hong, Z., Lee, C., & Nie, X. (2014). Proactive and reactive purchasing planning under dependent demand, price, and yield risks. OR Spectrum. 36(4), 1055-1076. Asian, S., & Nie, X. (2014). Coordination in Supply Chains With Uncertain Demand and Disruption Risks: Existence, Analysis, and Insights. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 44(9), 1139-1154. Caunhye, A. M., Nie, X., & Pokharel, S. (2012). Optimization models in emergency logistics: A literature review. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. 46(1), 4-13. Nie, X., Parab, G., Batta, R., & Lin, L. i. (2012). Simulation-based Selectee Lane queueing design for passenger checkpoint screening. European Journal of Operational Research. 219(1), 146-155. Nie, X. (2011). Risk-based grouping for checked baggage screening systems. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 96(11), 1499-1506. Nie, X., Batta, R., Drury, C. G., & Lin, L. i. (2009). Passenger grouping with risk levels in an airport security system. European Journal of Operational Research. 194(2), 574-584. Nie, X., Batta, R., Drury, C. G., & Lin, L. i (2009). The impact of joint responses of devices in an airport security system. Risk Analysis. 29(2), 298-311. Nie, X., Batta, R., Drury, C., & Lin, L (2007). Optimal placement of suicide bomber detectors. Military Operations Research. 12(2), 65-78. conference paper Hong, Z., Lee, C., & Nie, X. (2011). Optimal Procurement Strategies Under Yield Uncertainty with Spot Market. 355-360. Nie, X., Batta, R., & Lin, L. (2010). Conceptualization of a Game Theoretic Approach to Air Marshal Scheduling. 213-224.
teaching activities ENTC484 Hnr-professional Internship Instructor ENTC491 Hnr-research Instructor IDIS424 Purch Appl In Dist Instructor IDIS434 Hnr-quality Prcs In Distrib Instructor IDIS450 Analytics For Dist Operation Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Operations Research, University at Buffalo, State University of New York - (Buffalo, New York, United States) 2008 M.Phil. in Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong - (Shatin, Hong Kong, China) 2002 B.E. in Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology - (Harbin, China) 2000