Improving orientation mapping by enhancing the diffraction signal using Auto-CLAHE in precession electron diffraction data uri icon


  • Precession electron diffraction (PED) is a powerful technique for revealing the crystallographic orientation of samples at the nanoscale. However, the quality of orientation indexing is strongly influenced by the quality of diffraction patterns. In this study, we have developed a novel algorithm called Auto-CLAHE (automatic contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization), which automatically enhances low-intensity diffraction pattern signals using contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE). The degree of enhancement is dynamically adjusted based on the overall intensity of the diffraction pattern, with greater enhancement applied to patterns with fewer spots (i.e., away from zone axes) and little or no enhancement applied to patterns with many spots (i.e., at a zone axis). By improving the visibility of low-intensity diffraction spots, Auto-CLAHE significantly improves the template matching between experimentally acquired and simulated diffraction patterns, leading to orientation maps with dramatically higher quality and lower noise. We anticipate that Auto-CLAHE provides an efficient and practical solution for preprocessing PED data, enabling higher-quality crystal orientation mapping to be routinely obtained.

published proceedings

  • Microstructures

author list (cited authors)

  • Wang, A. L., Hansen, M. H., Lai, Y., Dong, J., & Xie, K. Y.

complete list of authors

  • Wang, Ainiu L||Hansen, Marcus H||Lai, Yi-Cheng||Dong, Jiaqi||Xie, Kelvin Y