Update on bacterial pneumonia in the foal and weanling. uri icon


  • Bacterial pneumonia is a common cause of disease in both neonatal and weanling foals. The causal organism or organisms differ with the age of the foal, should be identified via microbiologic culture, and will ultimately dictate appropriate treatment. Initial treatment in neonates should be broad spectrum and bactericidal, whereas weanling age foals may receive more targeted treatment. The combination of a macrolide antibiotic and rifampin remains the gold standard for treatment of Rhodococcus equi pneumonia; however, resistance to these antimicrobials is a concern.

published proceedings

  • Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract

altmetric score

  • 0.5

author list (cited authors)

  • Reuss, S. M., & Cohen, N. D.

citation count

  • 22

complete list of authors

  • Reuss, Sarah M||Cohen, Noah D

publication date

  • April 2015