publisher of
- Development and Validation of the Multidimensional Procrastination Scale in Chinese A Comprehensive Qualitative and Quantitative Investigation. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. 38:412-426. 2022
- Sweet Nothings No Effects of Self-Control Exertion on Blood Glucose Levels. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. 50:322-331. 2019
- A Cross-Cultural Validation of the Implicit Positive and Negative Affect Test (IPANAT) Results From Ten Countries Across Three Continents. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. 34:52-63. 2018
- Construal Level Shapes Associations Between Political Conservatism and Reactions to Male Same-Sex Intimacy. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. 47:87-97. 2016
- Investigating Variation in Replicability A "Many Labs'' Replication Project 2014
- Theory Building Through Replication Response to Commentaries on the "Many Labs" Replication Project. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. 45:307-310. 2014
- Performance Appraisal Satisfaction The Role of Feedback and Goal Orientation. Journal of Personnel Psychology. 12:189-195. 2013
- Sind motorische Handlungen auf eine präzise Wahrnehmung angewiesen?. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie. 19:135-144. 2012
- Spatial reasoning with multiple intrinsic frames of reference.. Experimental Psychology. 59:3-10. 2012
- Script Directionality Affects Depiction of Depth in Representational Drawings. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. 42:241-248. 2011
- Aflatoxin B1 albumin adducts in plasma and aflatoxin M1 in urine are associated with plasma concentrations of vitamins A and E.. International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research. 80:355-368. 2010
- Factorial Invariance of Child Self-Report Across English and Spanish Language Groups in a Hispanic Population Utilizing the PedsQL (TM) 4.0 Generic Core Scales. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. 26:194-202. 2010
- Movement sequence learning and the dominance of visual-spatial coding. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie. 14:123-129. 2007
- Conducting Event-Related Potential (ERP) Research with Young Children: A Review of Components, Special Considerations and Recommendations for Research on Cognition and Emotion.. Journal of Psychophysiology. 34:137-158.
- How Does Threat Modulate the Motivational Effects of Reward on Attention?. Experimental Psychology. 68:165-172.