Using dynamic modelling to enhance the assessment of the beef water footprint.
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Current water footprint assessment methods make a meaningful assessment of livestock water consumption difficult as they are mainly static, thus poorly adaptable to understanding future water consumption and requirements. They lack the integration of fundamental ruminant nutrition and growth equations within a dynamic context that accounts for short- and long-term behaviour and time delays associated with economically significant beef-producing areas. The current study utilised the System Dynamics methodology to conceptualise a water footprint for beef cattle within a dynamic and mechanistic modelling framework. The problem of assessing the water footprint of beef cattle was articulated, and a dynamic hypothesis was formed to represent the Texas livestock water use system as the initial step in developing the Dynamic Beef Water Footprint model (DWFB). The dynamic hypothesis development resulted in three causal loop diagrams (CLD): cattle population, growth and nutrition, and the livestock water footprint, that captured the daily water footprint of beef (WFB). Simulations and sensitivity analysis from the hypothesised CLD structures indicated that the framework was able to capture the dynamic behaviour of the WFB system. These behaviours included key reinforcing and balancing feedback processes that drive the WFB. It is extremely difficult to identify policy interventions (i.e., management strategies) for complex systems, like the U.S. beef cattle system, because there are many actors (i.e., cow-calf, stocker, feedlot) and interrelated variables that have delayed effects within and across the supply chain. Identification and understanding of feedback processes driving water use over time will help to overcome policy resistance for more sustainable beef production. Thus, the causal loops identified in the current study provide a system-level insight for the drivers of the WFB within and across each major segment of the beef supply chain to address freshwater concerns more adequately. Further, the nutrient scenarios and sensitivity analysis revealed that the high versus low nutrient composition of pasture, hay, and concentrates resulted in a significant difference in the WFB (2669 L/kg boneless beef, P<0.05). The WFB was sensitive to changes in nutrient composition and specific water demand (m3/t) for each production phase, not only phases with high levels of concentrate feed use. As models evolve, there is potential for the DWFB to integrate precision livestock data, further improving quantification of the WFB, precision water-efficient strategies, and selection of water-efficient livestock.