Buettiker, Cruz Max (2019-07). The Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Learning, 3D Simulations, Video Games, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality Technology as Learning Tools in Construction Education. Master's Thesis.
Construction education, like many current educational programs, primarily relies upon teaching methods based on traditional lectures delivered "live" or "face-to-face" by a professor, who may also provide lists of notes about the subject taught. This traditional method, however, can be rather lackluster and unengaging, especially for contemporary students who are used to rapid visual stimulation such as that found on the internet, social media, and in gaming environments. While the construction industry is now adopting advanced virtual reality and augmented reality programs as tools for work, these same technologies have great potential as educational tools that can revolutionize learning methods. This study will analyze current literature about the use of video games in education, computer-based learning methods, and 3D simulations and virtual reality, and augmented reality in education. The objective of this paper is to answer the following questions. First, what is the mean distribution of using computer-assisted learning, 3D Simulations, virtual reality, video games, and augmented reality as educational learning tools have a statistically significant increase in the learning achievement of students? Second, what is the mean distribution of using computer-assisted learning, 3D Simulations, virtual reality, video games, and augmented reality as educational learning tools have a statistically significant increase of student's attitude towards learning objectives?