Photo-response of the N=Z nucleus 24Mg uri icon


  • AbstractThe electricE1 and magneticM1 dipole responses of the$$N=Z$$N=Znucleus$$^{24}$$24Mg were investigated in an inelastic photon scattering experiment. The 13.0MeV electrons, which were used to produce the unpolarised bremsstrahlung in the entrance channel of the$$^{24}$$24Mg($$gamma ,gamma ^{prime }$$,) reaction, were delivered by the ELBE accelerator of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. The collimated bremsstrahlung photons excited one$$J^{pi }=1^-$$J=1-, four$$J^{pi }=1^+$$J=1+, and six$$J^{pi }=2^+$$J=2+states in$$^{24}$$24Mg. De-excitation$$gamma $$rays were detected using the four high-purity germanium detectors of the$$gamma $$ELBE setup, which is dedicated to nuclear resonance fluorescence experiments. In the energy region up to 13.0MeV a total$$B(M1)uparrow = 2.7(3)~mu _N^2$$B(M1)=2.7(3)N2is observed, but this$$N=Z$$N=Znucleus exhibits only marginalE1 strength of less than$$sum B(E1)uparrow le 0.61 imes 10^{-3}$$B(E1)0.6110-3e$$^2 , $$2fm$$^2$$2. The$$B(varPi 1, 1^{pi }_i
    ightarrow 2^+_1)/B(varPi 1, 1^{pi }_i
    ightarrow 0^+_{gs})$$

published proceedings

  • The European Physical Journal A

author list (cited authors)

  • Deary, J., Scheck, M., Schwengner, R., ODonnell, D., Bemmerer, D., Beyer, R., ... Zilges, A.

complete list of authors

  • Deary, J||Scheck, M||Schwengner, R||O’Donnell, D||Bemmerer, D||Beyer, R||Hensel, Th||Junghans, AR||Kögler, T||Müller, SE||Römer, K||Schmidt, K||Turkat, S||Urlaß, S||Wagner, A||Bowry, M||Adsley, P||Agar, O||Chapman, R||Crespi, FCL||Doherty, DT||Gayer, U Friman||Herzberg, R-D||Isaak, J||Janssens, RVF||Kröll, T||Löher, B||Nara Singh, BS||von Neumann-Cosel, P||Pellegri, L||Peters, EE||Rainovski, G||Savran, D||Smith, JF||Spieker, M||Thirolf, PG||Triambak, S||Tornow, W||Venhart, M||Wiedeking, M||Wieland, O||Yates, SW||Zilges, A