Neuroendocrine insights into neurosteroid therapy for postpartum depression. uri icon


  • Postpartum depression (PPD) is associated with a decline in progesterone-derived anxiolytic-antidepressant neurosteroids after delivery. Neurosteroid replacement therapy (NRT) with GABA-A receptor-modulating allopregnanolone (brexanolone) shows promise as the first drug treatment for PPD. Here we describe the molecular insights of the neurosteroid approach for rapid relief of PPD symptoms compared with traditional antidepressants.

published proceedings

  • Trends Mol Med

altmetric score

  • 7.75

author list (cited authors)

  • Reddy, D. S.

citation count

  • 2

complete list of authors

  • Reddy, Doodipala Samba

publication date

  • August 2023