Delocalized Lithium Ion Flux by Solid-State Electrolyte Composites Coupled with 3D Porous Nanostructures for Highly Stable Lithium Metal Batteries.
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This work investigates the root cause of failure with the ultimate anode, Li metal, when employing conventional/composite separators and/or porous anodes. Then a feasible route of utilizing Li metal is presented. Our operando and microscopy studies have unveiled that Li+ flux passing through the conventional separator is not uniform, resulting in preferential Li plating/stripping. Porous anodes alone are subject to clogging with moderate- or high-loading cathodes. Here we discovered it is necessary to seek synergy from our separator and anode pair to deliver delocalized Li+ to the anode and then uniformly plate Li metal over the large surface areas of the porous anode. Our polymer composite separator containing a solid-state electrolyte (SE) can provide numerous Li+ passages through the percolated SE and pore networks. Our finite element analysis and comparative tests disclosed the synergy between the homogeneous Li+ flux and current density reduction on the anode. Our composite separators have induced compact and uniform Li plating with robust inorganic-rich solid electrolyte interphase layers. The porous anode decreased the nucleation overpotential and interfacial contact impedance during Li plating. Full cell tests with LiFePO4 and Li[Ni0.8Mn0.1Co0.1]O2 (NMC811) exhibited remarkable cycling behaviors: 80% capacity retention at the 750th and 235th cycle, respectively. A high-loading NMC811 (4 mAh cm-2) full cell displayed maximum cell-level energy densities of 334 Wh kg-1 and 783 Wh L-1. This work proposes a solution for raising energy density by adopting Li metal, which could be a viable option considering only incremental advancement in conventional cathodes lately.