Presentation and publication skills: How to present a paper. uri icon


  • Presenting a paper to a small or large audience should match both the knowledge level of your audience and the title and abstract you submitted to the conference. Your slides should give context to your work. Simpler slides and talks are easier to follow than a highly complex presentation. You must keep to the time scheduled for your talk and remember to Keep It Short and Simple (KISS). Your slides should be readable from the back of the room by keeping them simple but informative. Practice the talk (preferably with an audience of your colleagues) and be prepared to amend as necessary. Know your talk "by heart", so you can relax and enjoy the experience.

published proceedings

  • Clin Nutr ESPEN

author list (cited authors)

  • Grimble, G., Lobo, D. N., Delzenne, N., & Deutz, N. E.

publication date

  • October 2023