Search for new physics in e mu X data at DO using SLEUTH: A quasi-model-independent search strategy for new physics
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We present a quasi-model-independent search for the physics responsible for electroweak symmetry breaking. We define final states to be studied, and construct a rule that identifies a set of relevant variables for any particular final state. A new algorithm ("SLEUTH") searches for regions of excess in those variables and quantifies the significance of any detected excess. After demonstrating the sensitivity of the method, we apply it to the semi-inclusive channel eX collected in 108 pb-1 of pp collisions at s=1.8 TeV at the D experiment during 1992-1996 at the Fermilab Tevatron. We find no evidence of new high pT physics in this sample. 2000 The American Physical Society.
published proceedings
author list (cited authors)
Abbott, B., Abolins, M., Abramov, V., Acharya, B. S., Adams, D. L., Adams, M., ... Zylberstejn, A.
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complete list of authors
Abbott, B||Abolins, M||Abramov, V||Acharya, BS||Adams, DL||Adams, M||Alves, GA||Amos, N||Anderson, EW||Baarmand, MM||Babintsev, VV||Babukhadia, L||Baden, A||Baldin, B||Banerjee, S||Bantly, J||Barberis, E||Baringer, P||Bartlett, JF||Bassler, U||Bean, A||Begel, M||Belyaev, A||Beri, SB||Bernardi, G||Bertram, I||Besson, A||Bezzubov, VA||Bhat, PC||Bhatnagar, V||Bhattacharjee, M||Blazey, G||Blessing, S||Boehnlein, A||Bojko, NI||Borcherding, F||Brandt, A||Breedon, R||Briskin, G||Brock, R||Brooijmans, G||Bross, A||Buchholz, D||Buehler, M||Buescher, V||Burtovoi, VS||Butler, JM||Canelli, F||Carvalho, W||Casey, D||Casilum, Z||Castilla-Valdez, H||Chakraborty, D||Chan, KM||Chekulaev, SV||Cho, DK||Choi, S||Chopra, S||Choudhary, BC||Christenson, JH||Chung, M||Claes, D||Clark, AR||Cochran, J||Coney, L||Connolly, B||Cooper, WE||Coppage, D||Cummings, MAC||Cutts, D||Dahl, OI||Davis, GA||Davis, K||De, K||Del Signore, K||Demarteau, M||Demina, R||Demine, P||Denisov, D||Denisov, SP||Diehl, HT||Diesburg, M||Di Loreto, G||Doulas, S||Draper, P||Ducros, Y||Dudko, LV||Dugad, SR||Dyshkant, A||Edmunds, D||Ellison, J||Elvira, VD||Engelmann, R||Eno, S||Eppley, G||Ermolov, P||Eroshin, OV||Estrada, J||Evans, H||Evdokimov, VN||Fahland, T||Feher, S||Fein, D||Ferbel, T||Filthaut, F||Fisk, HE||Fisyak, Y||Flattum, E||Fleuret, F||Fortner, M||Frame, KC||Fuess, S||Gallas, E||Galyaev, AN||Gartung, P||Gavrilov, V||Genik, RJ||Genser, K||Gerber, CE||Gershtein, Y||Gibbard, B||Gilmartin, R||Ginther, G||Gomez, B||Gomez, G||Goncharov, PI||Solis, JLG||Gordon, H||Goss, LT||Gounder, K||Goussiou, A||Graf, N||Grannis, PD||Green, JA||Greenlee, H||Grinstein, S||Grudberg, P||Grunendahl, S||Gupta, A||Gurzhiev, SN||Gutierrez, G||Gutierrez, P||Hadley, NJ||Haggerty, H||Hagopian, S||Hagopian, V||Hahn, KS||Hall, RE||Hanlet, P||Hansen, S||Hauptman, JM||Hays, C||Hebert, C||Hedin, D||Heinson, AP||Heintz, U||Heuring, T||Hirosky, R||Hobbs, JD||Hoeneisen, B||Hoftun, JS||Ito, AS||Jerger, SA||Jesik, R||Johns, K||Johnson, M||Jonckheere, A||Jones, M||Jostlein, H||Juste, A||Kahn, S||Kajfasz, E||Karmanov, D||Karmgard, D||Kehoe, R||Kim, SK||Klima, B||Klopfenstein, C||Knuteson, B||Ko, W||Kohli, JM||Kostritskiy, AV||Kotcher, J||Kotwal, AV||Kozelov, AV||Kozlovsky, EA||Krane, J||Krishnaswamy, MR||Krzywdzinski, S||Kubantsev, M||Kuleshov, S||Kulik, Y||Kunori, S||Kuznetsov, V||Landsberg, G||Leflat, A||Lehner, F||Li, J||Li, QZ||Lima, JGR||Lincoln, D||Linn, SL||Linnemann, J||Lipton, R||Lucotte, A||Lueking, L||Lundstedt, C||Maciel, AKA||Madaras, RJ||Manankov, V||Mani, S||Mao, HS||Marshall, T||Martin, MI||Martin, RD||Mauritz, KM||May, B||Mayorov, AA||McCarthy, R||McDonald, J||McMahon, T||Melanson, HL||Meng, XC||Merkin, M||Merritt, KW||Miao, C||Miettinen, H||Mihalcea, D||Mincer, A||Mishra, CS||Mokhov, N||Mondal, NK||Montgomery, HE||Mostafa, M||da Motta, H||Nagy, E||Nang, F||Narain, M||Narasimham, VS||Neal, HA||Negret, JP||Negroni, S||Norman, D||Oesch, L||Oguri, V||Olivier, B||Oshima, N||Padley, P||Pan, LJ||Para, A||Parashar, N||Partridge, R||Parua, N||Paterno, M||Patwa, A||Pawlik, B||Perkins, J||Peters, M||Piegaia, R||Piekarz, H||Pope, BG||Popkov, E||Prosper, HB||Protopopescu, S||Qian, J||Quintas, PZ||Raja, R||Rajagopalan, S||Ramberg, E||Reay, NW||Reucroft, S||Rha, J||Rijssenbeek, M||Rockwell, T||Roco, M||Rubinov, P||Ruchti, R||Rutherfoord, J||Santoro, A||Sawyer, L||Schamberger, RD||Schellman, H||Schwartzman, A||Sculli, J||Sen, N||Shabalina, E||Shankar, HC||Shivpuri, RK||Shpakov, D||Shupe, M||Sidwell, RA||Simak, V||Singh, H||Singh, JB||Sirotenko, V||Slattery, P||Smith, E||Smith, RP||Snihur, R||Snow, GR||Snow, J||Snyder, S||Solomon, J||Sorin, V||Sosebee, M||Sotnikova, N||Soustruznik, K||Souza, M||Stanton, NR||Steinbruck, G||Stephens, RW||Stevenson, ML||Stichelbaut, F||Stoker, D||Stolin, V||Stoyanova, DA||Strauss, M||Streets, K||Strovink, M||Stutte, L||Sznajder, A||Taylor, W||Tentindo-Repond, S||Thompson, J||Toback, D||Trippe, TG||Turcot, AS||Tuts, PM||van Gemmeren, P||Vaniev, V||Van Kooten, R||Varelas, N||Volkov, AA||Vorobiev, AP||Wahl, HD||Wang, H||Wang, ZM||Warchol, J||Watts, G||Wayne, M||Weerts, H||White, A||White, JT||Whiteson, D||Wightman, JA||Willis, S||Wimpenny, SJ||Wirjawan, JVD||Womersley, J||Wood, DR||Yamada, R||Yamin, P||Yasuda, T||Yip, K||Youssef, S||Yu, J||Yu, Z||Zanabria, M||Zheng, H||Zhou, Z||Zhu, ZH||Zielinski, M||Zieminska, D||Zieminski, A||Zutshi, V||Zverev, EG||Zylberstejn, A
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published in
51 Physical Sciences
5106 Nuclear And Plasma Physics
5107 Particle And High Energy Physics
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