Search for Wtb decays in the lepton + jets final state in pp collisions at s = 8TeV uri icon


  • The Authors. Results are presented from a search for the production of a heavy gauge boson W decaying into a top and a bottom quark, using a data set collected by the CMS experiment at s = 8TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.5 fb1. Various models of W-boson production are studied by allowing for an arbitrary combination of left-and right-handed couplings. The analysis is based on the detection of events with a lepton (e, ), jets, and missing transverse energy in the final state. No evidence for W-boson production is found and 95% confidence level upper limits on the production cross section times branching fraction are obtained. For W bosons with purely right-handed couplings, and for those with left-handed couplings assuming no interference effects, the observed 95% confidence level limit is M(W) > 2.05TeV. For W bosons with purely left handed couplings, including interference effects, the observed 95% confidence level limit is M(W) > 1.84TeV. The results presented in this paper are the most stringent limits published to date.

published proceedings

  • Journal of High Energy Physics

altmetric score

  • 0.75

author list (cited authors)

  • Chatrchyan, S., Khachatryan, V., Sirunyan, A. M., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Bergauer, T., ... Yazgan, E.

citation count

  • 35

complete list of authors

  • Chatrchyan, S||Khachatryan, V||Sirunyan, AM||Tumasyan, A||Adam, W||Bergauer, T||Dragicevic, M||Erö, J||Fabjan, C||Friedl, M||Frühwirth, R||Ghete, VM||Hartl, C||Hörmann, N||Hrubec, J||Jeitler, M||Kiesenhofer, W||Knünz, V||Krammer, M||Krätschmer, I||Liko, D||Mikulec, I||Rabady, D||Rahbaran, B||Rohringer, H||Schöfbeck, R||Strauss, J||Taurok, A||Treberer-Treberspurg, W||Waltenberger, W||Wulz, CE||Mossolov, V||Shumeiko, N||Suarez Gonzalez, J||Alderweireldt, S||Bansal, M||Bansal, S||Cornelis, T||Dewolf, EA||Janssen, X||Knutsson, A||Luyckx, S||Ochesanu, S||Rougny, R||Van De Klundert, M||Van Haevermaet, H||Van Mechelen, P||Van Remortel, N||Van Spilbeeck, A||Blekman, F||Blyweert, S||D'hondt, J||Daci, N||Heracleous, N||Keaveney, J||Lowette, S||Maes, M||Olbrechts, A||Python, Q||Strom, D||Tavernier, S||Van Doninck, W||Van Mulders, P||Van Onsem, GP||Villella, I||Caillol, C||Clerbaux, B||De Lentdecker, G||Dobur, D||Favart, L||Gay, A||Grebenyuk, A||Léonard, A||Mohammadi, A||Perniè, L||Reis, T||Seva, T||Thomas, L||Vander Velde, C||Vanlaer, P||Wang, J||Zenoni, F||Adler, V||Beernaert, K||Benucci, L||Cimmino, A||Costantini, S||Crucy, S||Dildick, S||Fagot, A||Garcia, G||McCartin, J||Ocampo Rios, AA||Ryckbosch, D||Salva Diblen, S||Sigamani, M||Strobbe, N||Thyssen, F||Tytgat, M||Yazgan, E

publication date

  • January 2014