Continuity of maternal and infant care through integrated health service delivery networks in Latin America: a scoping review. uri icon


  • Latin America has experienced substantial development over the last three decades; however, development has been uneven with persistent inequalities, especially in the areas of maternal and child health. Since the early 1990s, most Latin American health-care systems have undergone a series of reforms to improve access to services, with the most recent being the implementation of integrated health service delivery networks (IHSDNs). This model posits that patients will receive better continuity of care and higher-quality health services and avoid duplicated efforts. While decreased maternal and infant mortality rates have been observed in the region since IHSDN implementation, there is limited evidence on this model's implications for maternal and infant care. The purpose of this study is to explore how IHSDNs affect access to and continuity of maternal and infant care in Latin America, according to the peer-reviewed literature. A scoping review was conducted systematically to identify peer-reviewed articles published since 2007 on studies that took place in Latin America, include IHSDNs, focus on the antenatal and/or postnatal period, include women and/or infants under 2years of age and are written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Seven studies (n=7) met the inclusion criteria for this review. Barriers identified were related to person-centred care (n=5) and logistical challenges (n=5). The most cited facilitator encompassed social support for women when accessing care (n=3). Potential solutions to improve care access included an improvement in the network structure and a greater focus on care provision, rather than regulations and compliance. Findings from this study suggest that the IHSDN model has the potential to improve care for women during pregnancy and post-birth if the model is implemented to its full extent. However, implementation of the model in Latin America is still weak, creating barriers for women when seeking care, particularly for disparate populations and those residing in rural areas.

published proceedings

  • Health Policy Plan

author list (cited authors)

  • Panjwani, S., Garney, W. R., Wilson, K., Goodson, P., & Hamie, S.

complete list of authors

  • Panjwani, Sonya||Garney, Whitney R||Wilson, Kelly||Goodson, Patricia||Hamie, Silva

publication date

  • June 2023