Nutrient database improvement project: the influence of U.S.D.A. Quality and Yield Grade on the separable components and proximate composition of raw and cooked retail cuts from the beef rib and plate. uri icon


  • Beef nutrition is important to the worldwide beef industry. The objective of this study was to analyze proximate composition of eight beef rib and plate cuts to update the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference (SR). Furthermore, this study aimed to determine the influence of USDA Quality Grade on the separable components and proximate composition of the examined retail cuts. Carcasses (n=72) representing a composite of Yield Grade, Quality Grade, gender and genetic type were identified from six regions across the U.S. Beef plates and ribs (IMPS #109 and 121C and D) were collected from the selected carcasses and shipped to three university meat laboratories for storage, retail fabrication, cooking, and dissection and analysis of proximate composition. These data provide updated information regarding the nutrient content of beef and emphasize the influence of common classification systems (Yield Grade and Quality Grade) on the separable components, cooking yield, and proximate composition of retail beef cuts.

published proceedings

  • Meat Sci

author list (cited authors)

  • Martin, J. N., Brooks, J. C., Thompson, L. D., Savell, J. W., Harris, K. B., May, L. L., ... Leheska, J. L.

citation count

  • 13

complete list of authors

  • Martin, JN||Brooks, JC||Thompson, LD||Savell, JW||Harris, KB||May, LL||Haneklaus, AN||Schutz, JL||Belk, KE||Engle, T||Woerner, DR||Legako, JF||Luna, AM||Douglass, LW||Douglass, SE||Howe, J||Duvall, M||Patterson, KY||Leheska, JL

publication date

  • November 2013