Nonprofit hospitals' approach to community health needs assessment. uri icon


  • OBJECTIVES: We sought a better understanding of how nonprofit hospitals are fulfilling the community health needs assessment (CHNA) provision of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to conduct CHNAs and develop CHNA and implementation strategies reports. METHODS: Through an Internet search of an estimated 179 nonprofit hospitals in Texas conducted between December 1, 2013, and January 5, 2014, we identified and reviewed 95 CHNA and implementation strategies reports. We evaluated and scored reports with specific criteria. We analyzed hospital-related and other report characteristics to understand relationships with report quality. RESULTS: There was wide-ranging diversity in CHNA approaches and report quality. Consultant-led CHNA processes and collaboration with local health departments were associated with higher-quality reports. CONCLUSIONS: At the time of this study, the Internal Revenue Service had not yet issued the final regulations for the CHNA requirement. This provides an opportunity to strengthen the CHNA guidance for the final regulations, clarify the purpose of the assessment and planning process and reports, and better align assessment and planning activities through a public health framework.

published proceedings

  • Am J Public Health

author list (cited authors)

  • Pennel, C. L., McLeroy, K. R., Burdine, J. N., & Matarrita-Cascante, D.

citation count

  • 67

complete list of authors

  • Pennel, Cara L||McLeroy, Kenneth R||Burdine, James N||Matarrita-Cascante, David

publication date

  • March 2015