2.8m emission and OH quenching analysis in Ho3+ doped fluorotellurite-germanate glasses sensitized by Yb3+ and Er3.
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The use of Yb3+ and Er3+ co-doping with Ho3+ to enhance and broaden the Ho3+: 5I65I7 ~2.8m emissions are investigated in the fluorotellurite-germanate glasses. An intense ~3m emission with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 245nm is achieved in the Er3+/Ho3+/Yb3+ triply-doped fluorotellurite-germanate glass upon excitation at 980nm. The glass not only possesses considerably low OH- absorption coefficient (0.189cm-1), but also exhibits low phonon energy (704cm-1). Moreover, the measured lifetime of Ho3+: 5I6 level is as high as 0.218ms. In addition, the energy transfer rate to hydroxyl groups and quantum efficiency () of 5I6 level were calculated in detail by fitting the variations of lifetimes vs. the OH- concentrations. The formation ability and thermal stability of glasses have been improved by introducing GeO2 into fluorotellurite glasses. Results reveal that Er3+/Ho3+/Yb3+ triply-doped fluorotellurite-germanate glass is a potential kind of laser glass for efficient 3m laser.