Polarization-independent tunable spectral slicing filter in Ti:LiNbO3.
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A two-port polarization-independent tunable spectral slicing filter at the 1530nm wavelength regime is presented. The design utilizes an asymmetric interferometer with a sparse index grating along its arms. The sparse grating makes it possible to select equally spaced frequency channels from an incident WDM signal and to place nulls between them to coincide with the signal comb frequency. The number of selected channels and nulls between them depends on the number of coupling regions used in the sparse grating. The free spectral range depends on the spacing between the coupling regions. The Z-transform method is used to synthesize the filter and determine the spectral response. The operation of a device with six coupling regions is demonstrated, and good agreement with theoretical predictions is obtained. A 3dB bandwidth of 1nm and thermal tuning over a range of 13nm are measured.