Coming to the Caribbean-acclimation of Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) at Cayo Santiago. uri icon


  • OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether the Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico (Latitude: 18.1564N; temperature range 19C to 32C) rhesus macaque population has acclimated to their tropical island conditions since arriving from Lucknow, India (Latitude: 26.8470N; temperature range 8C to 41C) in 1938. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using the derived skeletal collection, measurements were taken of long bone lengths, diaphyseal circumference, and body weight using 635 (237 males and 398 females) skeletally mature individuals. Measurements sampled colony members born over a 51-year time span at Cayo Santiago, from 1951 to 2002. RESULTS: Results demonstrated that body weights and diaphyseal circumferences significantly declined in both males and females. Long bone lengths relative to body weight and diaphyseal circumference also increased in females. Whereas body weight, long bone length and diaphyseal circumference declined at near parallel rates in males. DISCUSSION: The population has acclimated to homogenous, tropical, conditions of the Caribbean island since their arrival over 80years ago. Trends in both sexes aligned with Bergmann's rule, though females displayed a greater decline in body weight, as well as greater affinity with Allen's rule, than did males. Buffering effects related to male competition may be responsible for this discrepancy. Overall, the Cayo Santiago populations, as shown over a significant period (1951-2002) of their history, have acclimated to their island conditions by decreasing in size and altering body proportions.

published proceedings

  • Am J Biol Anthropol

altmetric score

  • 2

author list (cited authors)

  • Francis, G., & Wang, Q.

citation count

  • 0

complete list of authors

  • Francis, George||Wang, Qian

publication date

  • June 2023
