We constructed a genetic map of most of the length of bovine chromosome 1 using the CSIRO and the Texas A&M University cattle reference families. Twelve loci are in a single linkage group, 9 of which are highly polymorphic loci. Four loci are of known biochemical function, alpha-1 crystallin (CRYA1), gamma-s crystallin (CRYG8), superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), and uridine monophosphate synthase (UMPS), and these have also been previously mapped in humans. The loci CRYA 1, CSRD 1613, GMBT 7, RM 95, SOD1, and UMPS had been previously assigned to bovine syntenic group U10, while CSRD 1613 and UMPS had also been assigned to chromosome 1 by in situ hybridization. All of the loci show statistically significant linkage to at least one other locus. The conserved loci indicate that there have been major rearrangements during the evolution of bovine chromosome 1 compared to other mammalian chromosomes. The estimate of the total length of the linkage group is 168 cM, which accords well with the predicted length based on chiasmata frequencies for the bovine genome and the relative size of chromosome 1 in the bovine genome.
published proceedings
author list (cited authors)
Barendse, W., Armitage, S. M., Ryan, A. M., Moore, S. S., Clayton, D., Georges, M., Womack, J. E., & Hetzel, J.