Distribution of Caenocholax fenyesi (Strepsiptera : Myrmecolacidae) and the habitats most likely to contain its stylopized host, Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera : Formicidae)
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Caenocholax fenyesi Pierce has been collected sporadically throughout the Neotropics and southeastern United States. We present the known distribution of C. fenyesi, including the addition of 5 new distributional records. The distribution of C. fenyesi was evaluated in Brazos County, Texas, as an example of a concise geographic region saturated with Solenopsis invicta Buren, the known host of males. Stylopized S, invicta were collected at only 10 of 25 sites. The distribution of C. fenyesi in Brazos County appeared limited by some factor other than its male host. Stylopized S. invicta were found in all surveyed habitats, although they were more commonly found in savanna and woodland habitats compared with grasslands.